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Il tuo biglietto ad accesso rapido al museo più famoso di Roma.
Il tuo biglietto ad accesso rapido al museo più famoso di Roma.
Servizi esclusi
Il posto era splendido, incredibilmente bello. I Musei Vaticani erano abbastanza grandi ma non così affollati e la sicurezza ci ha permesso di entrare presto. La Cappella Sistina era un po' rumorosa ma incredibilmente bella. Anche senza una guida, siamo stati in grado di orientarci. Un'esperienza fantastica!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Il biglietto ha funzionato bene con lo smartphone e non c'è stata coda all'ingresso. Un po' di folla ai controlli di sicurezza, ma per il resto tutto ok. Nel museo c'era spazio, ma nella Cappella Sistina c'era davvero tanta gente. Sono contento di non essere stato qui in alta stagione.
Questa recensione è tradotta. Mostra l’originale.
Abbiamo trascorso più di quattro ore nei musei, esplorando tutto, dalla Pinacoteca alla Cappella Sistina. Tuttavia, siamo rimasti particolarmente colpiti dalla Scuola di Atene di Raffaello. Abbiamo apprezzato il numero ridotto di visitatori.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Ha magnifiche opere d'arte. L'acquisto dei biglietti online è molto conveniente perché permette di risparmiare molto tempo senza dover fare la fila per entrare nel museo.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Davvero magnifico con una grande architettura...... L'unico inconveniente è che era molto, molto affollato.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Il posto è impressionante, ma un po' più piccolo di quanto immaginassi. Non c'era molta folla. Il biglietto di ingresso non era necessario, a mio avviso. In alcuni punti senza luce è difficile leggere le informazioni, ma nel complesso l'esperienza è davvero impressionante e importante da fare quando si viene a Roma.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Il motivo principale della visita era la Cappella Sistina. Per arrivarci sono state necessarie molte "deviazioni". Con il biglietto, però, tutto si è risolto alla grande.
Leggi la recensione originale in tedesco
Abbiamo svolto l'attività da soli. Abbiamo acquistato un'audioguida, che ci ha spiegato tutto sul numero esposto con il simbolo delle cuffie.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Sì, ma la Cappella Sistina era chiusa al pubblico anche se i nostri biglietti ci davano accesso. Potevamo essere informati prima!
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
museo sorprendente, unico!!!! Tuttavia, è un peccato che il museo non disponga di visite guidate registrate in greco, anche se i greci visitano il museo ogni giorno!!!!
Questa recensione è tradotta. Mostra l’originale.
Molte mostre erano tradotte male in inglese o non lo erano affatto, e non riuscivano a darci un'idea precisa. A causa del gran numero di persone, ci deve essere più "spazio libero" per muoversi che un percorso specifico. Molte persone volevano saltare alcune parti e non hanno potuto farlo, quindi il percorso era più affollato in alcuni punti. Le spiegazioni potrebbero essere più descritte dal punto di vista storico perché molte persone non conoscono i dettagli degli artisti ma vogliono conoscere la storia illustrata!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Siamo rimasti stupiti da tutte le informazioni antiche relative agli Aztechi e da alcuni interessanti oggetti risalenti a prima di Cristo. Tutti i dipinti, gli arazzi e gli affreschi sul soffitto erano incredibili.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Orario e giornata perfetta per non trovare una coda eccessiva il sistema salta la coda ha funzionato è andato tutto bene
Un'esperienza molto bella, un sacco di cose da vedere e si può facilmente trascorrere più di 3 ore a contemplare le cose, sicuramente una tappa obbligata.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
La visita era ok, ma ho avuto problemi a prendere il biglietto! Sono stato costretto a scaricare un'app! Poi non capisco perché il prezzo era di 40 euro quando il prezzo per entrare nei Musei Vaticani è di 25 euro. Grazie
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Ho raggiunto il punto di incontro giusto in tempo, causa un ritardo del volo, ma sono stata fortunata, il gruppo non era ancora partito: sono stata accompagnata all'ingresso dei Musei Vaticani (5 minuti appena) da una persona gentilissima e molto cordiale e siamo entrati immediatamente. La mia visita era senza guida, ma ho avuto tutte le indicazioni necessarie su come gestire il mio ingresso. Esperienza OTTIMA
Non è stato possibile visitare il museo. Siamo andati al punto d'incontro e il ristorante continuava a dire che la guida stava arrivando. Nessuno si è mai presentato. È stato possibile utilizzare solo la parte della Cappella Sistina del biglietto combinato acquistato.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Non abbiamo dovuto aspettare, siamo entrati direttamente, il che è stato fantastico, non siamo stati disturbati dalla folla ed è un sito meraviglioso. Non siamo riusciti a vedere tutto
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Il processo di ingresso è stato caotico e i membri del team di supporto hanno dato consigli contrastanti. Non abbiamo trovato una guida per noi stessi. Invece, abbiamo girato da soli, usando l'audioguida, ed è stato memorabile.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Prenotando il biglietto in anticipo, non abbiamo dovuto fare la coda al museo! In 2 minuti eravamo dentro. Il museo e la Cappella Sistina erano impressionanti. Abbiamo apprezzato l'intera esperienza!
Leggi la recensione originale in olandese
Abbiamo individuato un orario non "affollato". Il percorso è ben segnalato. Ottima sorveglianza al patrimonio artistico. Ci siamo immersi in opere di eternità. Abbiamo potuto sostare anche un pochino a meditarle.
La nostra guida era estremamente competente e molto gentile. Abbiamo apprezzato il fatto che non fosse così affollato come abbiamo sentito dire di solito. Avremmo voluto non dover correre per tutto il museo, ma capiamo benissimo che non c'è abbastanza tempo.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Tutto è stato fantastico, le guardie sono state molto disponibili, gentili😁, hanno reso la mia visita davvero memorabile, e vorrò tornare.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Abbiamo visitato il Vaticano senza guida, ma anche così è stato molto soddisfacente. Siamo rimasti incantati da tutta la ricchezza della collezione, dall'arte meravigliosa e da tutto ciò che è molto ben conservato.
Leggi la recensione originale in portoghese
Evitare le code, sulla guida non posso dire nulla perché se ne è andata all'ingresso, forse sarebbe meglio se la guida rimanesse per tutta la durata della visita.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Line lindgreen eriksen
Bring comfortable shoes. Bring a scarf to cover your shoulders in the church. Remember to buy a bus ticket before entering the bus to the Vatican.
Cassidy devrieze
We also went to castel st angelo and enjoyed the views there, we walked across the bridge and saw the staues, we climbed the dome at st.peters
Pavla baumgartnerová
I went to Clementina restaurant. It was great and not filled with tourists. Also the prices were fair. I had cacio e pepe, really good.
Visita i 3 siti principali della Città del Vaticano e accedi alla basilica con una visita guidata
Visita i 3 siti principali della Città del Vaticano e accedi alla basilica con una visita guidata
Biglietti prioritari per i Musei Vaticani, accesso prioritario alla Cappella Sistina, accesso prioritario e visita guidata alla Basilica di San Pietro, guida turistica dal vivo, cuffie per sentire chiaramente la guida turistica
Servizi esclusi
La signora Marta è stata fantastica! Le informazioni fornite da lei e il modo in cui ce le ha comunicate sono stati più che superbi!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Il nostro tour del Muesem Vaticano e della Cappella Sistina è stato fantastico. La nostra guida turistica, Chiara, è stata così istruttiva e gentile. Non avevo capito che non avremmo avuto una guida nella Basilica di San Pietro. È stato bello avere il tempo di esplorare la basilica, ma c'erano così tante aree nella basilica che sarebbe stato bello avere una guida. Nel complesso, un'esperienza fantastica!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Tutto è stato fantastico! La guida è stata molto divertente e incredibilmente competente, rendendo la nostra esperienza in Vaticano davvero piacevole. Prenoteremo sicuramente altri tour con questa compagnia in futuro.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Un'ottima visita del Vaticano. Una guida meravigliosa, Cosimo, molto competente e che ha reso le informazioni divertenti. Ha aggiunto molto all'esperienza e lo consiglio vivamente.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Marco, la nostra guida francofona, ci ha offerto un tour meraviglioso con commenti ben studiati ed era sempre pronto ad ascoltare le domande del suo gruppo.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Il tour è stato ricco di storia e molto bello. L'unica cosa è che non abbiamo visitato la Basilica. Sicuramente la basilica è un posto meraviglioso.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Tutto. Tutto ciò che riguarda la visita guidata è stato di prima classe. Laura di City Wonders EUR è stata la migliore guida turistica. Ha spiegato tutto così bene e il suo inglese è fantastico. La sua conoscenza del Vaticano e di tutto ciò che ha da offrire è incredibile. Siamo molto contenti di aver deciso di prenotare questa visita guidata.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida che abbiamo avuto è stata notevole, molto interessante, competente e paziente nel rispondere a tutte le nostre domande.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
La nostra guida Maurizio (se ho capito bene), ci ha spiegato tutto bene e si è sempre ricordato di non lasciare indietro ogni singola persona del nostro gruppo. sicuramente consigliato! siamo andati all'inizio di dicembre e la folla è ancora ok, la nostra guida ha detto che questo periodo è la bassa stagione e non è troppo affollato.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Ringraziamo di cuore Dario,per un problema a Frecciarossa siamo arrivati con tre ore di ritardo,lui ci ha inserito subito su un' altro gruppo facendo sì che siamo riusciti a vedere lo spettacolo dei musei Vaticani . sicuramente torneremo a usare headout .alla prossima
È stata la scelta migliore che abbiamo fatto per il nostro viaggio, la visita guidata è stata perfetta! La guida è stata meravigliosa e abbiamo persino assistito a una messa nella basilica!
Leggi la recensione originale in portoghese
Avevamo una guida incredibilmente preparata e amante dell'arte. Ho avuto una buona esperienza e ho aumentato molto le mie conoscenze. Acquistare il biglietto è stato facile.
Leggi la recensione originale in portoghese
Ieri, 4 dicembre, abbiamo partecipato alla visita con Alba ai Musei Vaticani e alla Cappella Sistina. È stato un tour molto istruttivo. Si vedeva che ALBA era molto preparata e che era in grado di spiegare gli aspetti particolari. Per noi, il momento speciale è stata la visita all'Arazzo e alla sala adiacente con i paesaggi italiani provenienti da tutta Italia. Personalmente, sostituiremmo forse la sala delle sculture di animali con un approfondimento della parte moderna dei Musei Vaticani. In altre parole, il XX secolo. Raccomandiamo Alba senza riserve. Anche l'organizzazione è stata ottima.
Leggi la recensione originale in tedesco
La nostra guida Natliana (credo si scriva così) ci è piaciuta molto. Il luogo è affascinante, ma lei ha davvero contribuito a rendere l'esperienza ancora più intensa.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La donna che ci ha fatto fare il tour, Elena, è stata bravissima a informarci sulle numerose caratteristiche storiche durante la visita. Ci ha dato molte opportunità di guardarci intorno e di esplorare la stanza in cui ci trovavamo, il che è stato fantastico, dato che la mia famiglia voleva fare più foto possibili. Nel complesso il tour è stato fantastico.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida Fabrizio aveva una formazione storica, era un ragazzo del posto, che ha acquisito le sue conoscenze direttamente in Vaticano quando studiava. I fatti molto interessanti che ha raccontato non erano noti al mio amico che aveva già visitato il Vaticano due volte. Quindi ho apprezzato molto il suo tour e lui come guida divertente, interessante e intelligente. Per quanto riguarda il tour è stato tutto in tempo, ben organizzato, e all'interno del tour dichiarato come sul sito web. Altamente raccomandato
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida turistica, Rita, ci ha fatto evitare le lunghe file e ci ha portato direttamente all'ingresso. Era molto preparata e ci ha mostrato più di quanto avremmo visto da soli.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Quattro di noi "novellini" a Roma hanno prenotato questo tour attraverso i Musei Vaticani, la Cappella Sistina e la Basilica di San Pietro 2 settimane fa. La nostra guida turistica è stata fantastica! Non ricordo il suo nome (perché sono terribile con i nomi) ma è nata in America e ha vissuto in Italia per circa 18 anni. Era ESTREMAMENTE informata.... sapeva tantissimo sull'arte e sulle piccole sfumature di ogni artista. Aveva lunghi capelli scuri e portava una piuma gialla! È stata fantastica! Abbiamo scelto la stagione perfetta per visitare Roma... la folla non era troppa, il tempo era perfetto, e anche se si stanno preparando per il Giubileo non mi è sembrato che ci siamo persi qualcosa! Prenoterei sicuramente di nuovo con Headout! Sono stati estremamente facili da trovare, amichevoli e competenti! Anche i prezzi erano ottimi! Ciao fino alla prossima visita!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida turistica è stata incredibile. Si è trovata bene con tutti i membri del nostro gruppo ed è stata molto paziente con noi. È stata incredibile nell'essere informativa e allo stesso tempo nel catturare la nostra attenzione e farci ridere! Nel complesso è stato molto divertente e gioioso!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida era ben preparata con molte informazioni, ma è davvero troppo costosa per quello che è.... alla fine si può fare il tour da soli, è facile.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
E' stata un' esperienza molto interessante, la guida molto professionale ci ha immersi nella storia del Vaticano e delle sue meravigliose opere .
Oltre alle fantastiche cose da vedere, Claudia, la nostra guida, è competente e parla bene l'inglese, rendendo il nostro tour dei Musei Vaticani e della Cappella Sistina un'esperienza memorabile e coinvolgente.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La storia delle opere d'arte è stata spiegata in dettaglio e ci ha permesso di capire meglio gli artisti e le loro opere.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida Ferninando è stata eccellente! Molto amichevole e con ottime spiegazioni, soprattutto una buona guida per interpretare la cappella sistina.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Non è stato difficile trovare il punto d'incontro, c'è stato un leggero ritardo di 5 minuti (ma era super tranquillo), eravamo un gruppo relativamente piccolo e ci ha aiutato molto interagire con la guida, anche perché la guida era molto gentile, disponibile e amichevole e ha mostrato un buon livello di conoscenza degli argomenti presentati.
Leggi la recensione originale in portoghese
Bypassa le orde di turisti e entra da subito nel vivo della storia del Vaticano con un esperto o un'esperta locale.
Bypassa le orde di turisti e entra da subito nel vivo della storia del Vaticano con un esperto o un'esperta locale.
Servizi esclusi
Abbiamo visto lunghe file e siamo stati felici di non doverle fare. La nostra guida turistica è stata in grado di portarci oltre tutte le file ed è stato fantastico. Abbiamo apprezzato anche la nostra guida turistica. È stata molto istruttiva e ha fatto un ottimo lavoro nel farci passare attraverso la folla.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Ringraziamo di cuore Dario,per un problema a Frecciarossa siamo arrivati con tre ore di ritardo,lui ci ha inserito subito su un' altro gruppo facendo sì che siamo riusciti a vedere lo spettacolo dei musei Vaticani . sicuramente torneremo a usare headout .alla prossima
Ieri, 4 dicembre, abbiamo partecipato alla visita con Alba ai Musei Vaticani e alla Cappella Sistina. È stato un tour molto istruttivo. Si vedeva che ALBA era molto preparata e che era in grado di spiegare gli aspetti particolari. Per noi, il momento speciale è stata la visita all'Arazzo e alla sala adiacente con i paesaggi italiani provenienti da tutta Italia. Personalmente, sostituiremmo forse la sala delle sculture di animali con un approfondimento della parte moderna dei Musei Vaticani. In altre parole, il XX secolo. Raccomandiamo Alba senza riserve. Anche l'organizzazione è stata ottima.
Leggi la recensione originale in tedesco
La nostra guida Fabrizio aveva una formazione storica, era un ragazzo del posto, che ha acquisito le sue conoscenze direttamente in Vaticano quando studiava. I fatti molto interessanti che ha raccontato non erano noti al mio amico che aveva già visitato il Vaticano due volte. Quindi ho apprezzato molto il suo tour e lui come guida divertente, interessante e intelligente. Per quanto riguarda il tour è stato tutto in tempo, ben organizzato, e all'interno del tour dichiarato come sul sito web. Altamente raccomandato
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Oltre alle fantastiche cose da vedere, Claudia, la nostra guida, è competente e parla bene l'inglese, rendendo il nostro tour dei Musei Vaticani e della Cappella Sistina un'esperienza memorabile e coinvolgente.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida Ferninando è stata eccellente! Molto amichevole e con ottime spiegazioni, soprattutto una buona guida per interpretare la cappella sistina.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Abbiamo visto i punti salienti, ma la guida sembrava più concentrata a non perdere pezzi audio che a fornire informazioni. Non è stata molto coinvolgente
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Vorremmo ringraziare la nostra guida Jan per l'eccellente tempo trascorso con lei. Grazie alla sua passione, questa visita è stata memorabile e ne conserveremo un ottimo ricordo. Malika
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
La nostra simpatica guida era molto preparata ed educata. Si è presa del tempo per spiegare i dettagli e ha reso il tour interessante. Un posto fantastico da visitare!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Un'esperienza incredibile, non solo per i Musei Vaticani in sé ma anche per la visita guidata con Paola Locci. Se si ha l'opportunità di essere guidati da lei si impara molto sulla storia dell'arte, sul Vaticano, sulla simbologia.... Grazie mille per tutto.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Claudia è stata piacevole ed estremamente, intendo estremamente competente. È molto più facile avere una guida che spieghi tutti gli aspetti accademici e storici, piuttosto che vagare per il museo, googlando tutto e perdendosi tutti gli altri sensi delle esposizioni. Claudia ha studiato i reperti e la storia e questo si è visto nel suo entusiasmo e nella qualità della presentazione. L'unica cosa che suggerirei è di fare una pausa perché il tour è stato molto intenso. La Cappella Sistina è enorme e ci ha lasciato completamente senza parole, non c'era un posto dove riposare e immergersi nella sua bellezza. Tutto sommato siamo molto contenti di aver fatto questo tour e lo consigliamo vivamente. E brava Claudia!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida Jessica è stata incredibile! Super entusiasta, una persona così gentile e si può dire che è così competente sull'argomento. È eccellente!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Un museo così ricco, non può esser visitato in autonomia. La visita guidata è d'obbligo se si vuol conoscere la ricchezza del patrimonio lì racchiuso. La nostra guida Valeria, una persona speciale che ha saputo darci le giuste indicazioni e sufficienti informazioni per godere delle meraviglie che abbiamo visto. Nessun tipo di problema agli ingressi e fila rapidissima.
La guida ha fornito informazioni molto importanti. Avrei potuto avere un po' più di tempo per visitare i Musei Vaticani. L'acquisto è stato rapido e senza problemi
Leggi la recensione originale in portoghese
Siamo andati a novembre, quindi la folla era meno numerosa del solito, ma comunque molto affollata! Siamo molto contenti di aver prenotato insieme la Cappella Sistina, i Musei Vaticani e la Basilica di San Pietro! In questo modo abbiamo potuto saltare tutte le file con una guida! Prenotare con un tour è molto più d'impatto di un'audioguida! Le guide turistiche sono così appassionate e dettagliate!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Con professionisti come Laura al Colosseo e Franchesca al Vaticano, l'esperienza è stata perfetta. Amichevoli, gentili e con molte informazioni in modo piacevole e dinamico. Grazie di cuore a entrambe.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
La guida è stata molto istruttiva e i suoi contatti con il personale del museo hanno aumentato il nostro apprezzamento per la visita dietro le quinte.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Questo tour è un'ottima scelta! Marco, la guida turistica, era competente, entusiasta, gentile e attento a tutti. Ha reso il tour del Vaticano un'esperienza davvero notevole! Lo consiglio davvero. Saltare le lunghe file con questo tour non ha prezzo.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Istruzioni chiare sul punto d'incontro. Facile individuare la guida. Ottima visita guidata con una buona guida in inglese (Roberta). Inizio e fine puntuali.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Incredibile esperienza guidata da Carmelo, i musei sono enormi e si vedono solo le opere sulla strada per la Cappella Sistina è una realtà che non si può visitare di più. Ma la guida te lo spiega fin dall'inizio e ti piace troppo, e se vuoi rimanere più a lungo puoi farlo. Tuttavia, si perde l'opportunità di accedere rapidamente alla Basilica di San Pietro e di godersela come si vuole. È incredibile e grazie a Carmelo per le spiegazioni e la storia, oltre che per le risate.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Mia moglie voleva venire a Roma per il suo compleanno e per esercitare il suo italiano. Aveva assistito a un'udienza pubblica papale in un precedente viaggio di 40 anni fa, ma non aveva visitato i Musei Vaticani o la Cappella Sistina. Sono stati semplicemente mozzafiato ed è stata un'esperienza straordinaria, resa ancora più interessante dalla nostra meravigliosa guida Marko di Maya Tours. Era così informato e appassionato di tutto ciò che ha reso l'intera visita molto più piacevole. Mia moglie non era preparata a partire presto per una guida di lingua inglese, quindi il tour era in francese, che lei parla correntemente! Sono stato in grado di seguire molte delle sue parole, ma Marko parlava anche inglese, che ha usato a volte per me. Questo mi ha aiutato enormemente. Eravamo solo in 9 nel gruppo, un numero perfetto. Un pomeriggio semplicemente meraviglioso che si è concluso nella Basilica di San Pietro.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Il costo aggiuntivo del biglietto era dovuto al fatto che due ragazzi che a malapena parlavano con noi ci hanno scortato all'interno dell'edificio e poi ci hanno lasciato con una delle guide turistiche ufficiali del Vaticano. Avremmo potuto pagare da soli per molto meno. Ci è sembrata una truffa.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Grazie a Marc per questa visita straordinaria! Un tour davvero accattivante e delicato. È stata la nostra migliore visita durante il nostro soggiorno a Roma 🙏🏼
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Entrambe le guide sono state straordinarie! Erano competenti, amichevoli, pazienti e hanno reso tutte le visite straordinarie con le loro intuizioni e conoscenze.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Galina è stata fantastica! Ha raccontato con grande impegno e passione. Il tour è stato molto interessante, nonostante il gran numero di visitatori, è riuscita ad arricchire il nostro gruppo con molte conoscenze.
Leggi la recensione originale in tedesco
Un tour per piccoli gruppi di massimo 15 persone con offre tanti dettagli e un livello di interazione più profondo
Un tour per piccoli gruppi di massimo 15 persone con offre tanti dettagli e un livello di interazione più profondo
Servizi esclusi
Abbiamo visto lunghe file e siamo stati felici di non doverle fare. La nostra guida turistica è stata in grado di portarci oltre tutte le file ed è stato fantastico. Abbiamo apprezzato anche la nostra guida turistica. È stata molto istruttiva e ha fatto un ottimo lavoro nel farci passare attraverso la folla.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Questo tour è un'ottima scelta! Marco, la guida turistica, era competente, entusiasta, gentile e attento a tutti. Ha reso il tour del Vaticano un'esperienza davvero notevole! Lo consiglio davvero. Saltare le lunghe file con questo tour non ha prezzo.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Mia moglie voleva venire a Roma per il suo compleanno e per esercitare il suo italiano. Aveva assistito a un'udienza pubblica papale in un precedente viaggio di 40 anni fa, ma non aveva visitato i Musei Vaticani o la Cappella Sistina. Sono stati semplicemente mozzafiato ed è stata un'esperienza straordinaria, resa ancora più interessante dalla nostra meravigliosa guida Marko di Maya Tours. Era così informato e appassionato di tutto ciò che ha reso l'intera visita molto più piacevole. Mia moglie non era preparata a partire presto per una guida di lingua inglese, quindi il tour era in francese, che lei parla correntemente! Sono stato in grado di seguire molte delle sue parole, ma Marko parlava anche inglese, che ha usato a volte per me. Questo mi ha aiutato enormemente. Eravamo solo in 9 nel gruppo, un numero perfetto. Un pomeriggio semplicemente meraviglioso che si è concluso nella Basilica di San Pietro.
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Grazie a Marc per questa visita straordinaria! Un tour davvero accattivante e delicato. È stata la nostra migliore visita durante il nostro soggiorno a Roma 🙏🏼
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Una guida straordinaria che ha trasformato una visita formale in una storia affascinante. Il francese di Marc era impeccabile.
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La nostra guida turistica Olga è stata eccezionale. Abbiamo apprezzato il suo entusiasmo, la sua passione e la sua conoscenza dei Musei Vaticani, della Cappella Sistina e della Basilica di San Pietro. In alcuni momenti della visita c'era molta gente, ma Olga è riuscita a guidarci e a raggrupparci in modo che potessimo goderci ogni momento saliente e apprezzare la bellezza e la storia. Olga ha comunicato con ciascuno di noi durante tutta la visita, rendendola molto personale. Grazie!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
È stato istruttivo. Senza una guida mi sarei perso. Mi è piaciuto molto il Vaticano. Non dimenticate di spedire una lettera dalle Poste Vaticane quando la guida è finita.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Il Vaticano è un luogo da vedere. La guida è stata brava, ha condiviso alcune delle sue conoscenze sul Vaticano e sulla Cappella Sistina durante la visita. Ha parlato chiaramente in francese, dicendoci quanto questi tour in francese fossero importanti per lui.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida (Jaber) è stata una gioia assoluta, così competente, coinvolgente, gentile e ben organizzata. Ha fatto vivere il Vaticano con tanta cura, passione ed entusiasmo. Aveva innumerevoli storie e spiegazioni da condividere e ha davvero compreso, apprezzato e rispettato la sua materia. Ci è piaciuto molto averlo come guida.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Eravamo un piccolo gruppo di otto persone e non abbiamo fatto lunghe code. È stato quindi molto piacevole. La nostra guida Sylvia è stata, in una parola, fantastica. Ci ha riportato indietro nel tempo e ci ha raccontato le cose più importanti della sua ricca storia. Il tour era in inglese e molto facile da seguire attraverso l'auricolare.
Leggi la recensione originale in olandese
La guida turistica ha reso la visita più piacevole, il livello profondo di informazioni insieme al suo carattere vivace, Elle ha fatto sì che fossimo impegnati e intrattenuti per tutto il tempo, il che è stata una grande esperienza.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
In generale è stato buono. L'unica cosa che potrebbe essere migliorata è che la visita al museo dovrebbe essere più lunga per poter vedere tutte le sale.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Molto affollato, ma la nostra guida e i biglietti ci hanno fatto muovere con poca o nessuna attesa....He era super informativo, divertente, meraviglioso da ascoltare e fare domande. Non siamo cattolici, ma siamo credenti e siamo entusiasti di aver visitato il Vaticano. Che Dio continui a benedire il Vaticano e tutti coloro che lo visitano!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Eravamo in Italia per un matrimonio ed era il primo viaggio di mia moglie in Italia. Per ovvie ragioni, volevo che vedesse il Vaticano. Essendo un architetto da più di trent'anni, non vedevo l'ora di visitare il Vaticano con lei. La nostra guida turistica era Debora Diego, ed è stata fantastica sotto molti punti di vista. Conosceva i dettagli, ha coreografato il tour con precisione. Conosceva ogni guardia di sicurezza ed è stata in grado di elevare il nostro tour a un vero livello VIP. Ci ha consigliato cosa cercare, cosa fotografare e cosa considerare. Anche dopo la fine del tour, ci ha consigliato cosa fare e vedere mentre eravamo da soli. Non solo era una guida turistica altamente qualificata, ma aveva un livello di professionalità che è difficile da esprimere a parole. Ho molti ricordi preferiti del viaggio, ma il tempo trascorso con Debora è stato un vero punto di forza. Grazie per aver reso la nostra esperienza eccezionale.
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Sarah è stata fantastica. Molto istruttiva e facile da apprezzare. Tutta la mia famiglia ha pensato che fosse fantastica. Ottimo inglese. Sapeva il fatto suo. Si diverte a fare il suo lavoro. Ci ha portato in tutto il Vaticano e ci ha mostrato tutto. Ottima escursione.
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La nostra guida, Marco Tritto, che parlava francese, ci ha parlato in modo chiaro e molto esplicito. È stato molto piacevole ed è riuscito a catturare la nostra attenzione sullo splendore dell'arte vaticana e della sua storia. Raccomandiamo particolarmente Maya Tours a tutti i nostri amici e conoscenti.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Ottima guida che ci ha accompagnato con grande entusiasmo. Abbiamo trovato il tour un po' troppo lungo. Forse perché faceva troppo caldo ... molte informazioni e impressioni e ancora molte persone per vedere tutto con calma .
Leggi la recensione originale in olandese
La nostra esperienza è stata la migliore della nostra vita, soprattutto l'esperienza della nostra guida, è stata educata e chiara nel suo messaggio, Grazie per il vostro servizio Samuel Orrego
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Eccellente tour professionale Punto d'incontro facile da trovare Il piccolo gruppo "salta la fila" era perfetto per noi Il ragazzo del tour era così preparato :rilassato:️
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida, Stephan, è stata fantastica. La sua conoscenza dell'arte e della storia dell'arte ha arricchito notevolmente la nostra esperienza. Fantastico! Grazie!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida turistica è stata favolosa! Facile da capire, ben informato. Era in grado di rispondere alle domande ed era molto piacevole! È stato anche in grado di guidarci attraverso la grande folla... tutto questo ha reso il tour molto memorabile! Grazie!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Abbiamo avuto una visita meravigliosa con Marco, la nostra guida. Ci ha conquistati e l'organizzazione è stata perfetta.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Marc è una persona piacevole, erudita e con una buona capacità di comunicazione. È stato in grado di mostrarci i Musei Vaticani, la Cappella Sistina e la Basilica di San Pietro, adattandosi alla composizione del gruppo, ed è stato gentile e paziente con i nostri bambini piccoli (di 6, 7 e 10 anni).
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Il punto d'incontro era facile da trovare e ben organizzato. L'inglese della nostra guida era eccellente e lei era molto attenta. La prenotazione ci ha permesso di saltare le lunghissime code.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Avevamo una guida fantastica, che ci ha dato molte informazioni. Era la mia terza visita ai Musei Vaticani e sono riuscita a imparare ancora qualcosa.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Accedi al sito prima dell'apertura generale.
Sei una di quelle persone ama svegliarsi presto? Allora prenota questo tour! Potrai visitare il Vaticano nelle prime ore mattutine, quando c'è meno gente del solito. L'accesso rapido è un bonus.
Inaugura la tua esperienza ai Musei Vaticani con una visita al famoso Torso del Belvedere e al gruppo scultoreo di Laocoonte e i suoi figli in compagnia di una guida professionista.
Accedi al sito prima dell'apertura generale.
Sei una di quelle persone ama svegliarsi presto? Allora prenota questo tour! Potrai visitare il Vaticano nelle prime ore mattutine, quando c'è meno gente del solito. L'accesso rapido è un bonus.
Inaugura la tua esperienza ai Musei Vaticani con una visita al famoso Torso del Belvedere e al gruppo scultoreo di Laocoonte e i suoi figli in compagnia di una guida professionista.
Servizi esclusi
La nostra guida turistica era molto competente e amichevole. È stata una giornata frenetica, con molti fattori esterni che non sono andati secondo i piani (messa improvvisata nella Basilica, problemi tecnici con gli addetti alla biglietteria, ecc. Avrebbe potuto essere una giornata molto difficile, ma con la nostra guida siamo riusciti a fare tutto il tour e a imparare molto. È stata un'esperienza straordinaria.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Eleonora è stata gentile e ci ha fatto superare l'esperienza con tante belle storie e buon umore. Si è sempre preoccupata per noi.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Credo che Headout abbia collaborato con un gruppo turistico locale, noi avevamo un rappresentante di "The Tour Guy". All'inizio è stato un po' difficile trovarli, se ricordo bene la loro insegna era una variante di The Tour Guy, quindi non ero sicuro che si trattasse di un gruppo turistico diverso. Ma guardando le foto di riferimento che ci hanno inviato, erano effettivamente nel punto in cui avevano detto che sarebbero stati. La nostra guida turistica è stata fantastica, credo che il suo nome fosse Francesca (sto scrivendo questa recensione in ritardo e sono terribile con i nomi). Era molto competente e un toro quando doveva esserlo (assicurandosi che il nostro gruppo non fosse tagliato fuori da altri gruppi, ecc). Sapeva esattamente dove portarci per massimizzare la visita di ogni luogo. È un tour lungo, sarete stanchi alla fine, ma ne vale la pena. Questo tour è stato il momento clou del nostro soggiorno in Italia!!!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Il principe è stato molto gentile. La guida turistica era molto interessante e piena di nozioni. L'unico neo è stato il percorso al museo vaticano. Sarebbe stato meglio iniziare lì prima dell'arrivo di tutte le persone.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida, Rita, era competente ed entusiasta delle informazioni che presentava. Abbiamo avuto tutto il tempo necessario per vedere tutto e non siamo stati messi fretta. Abbiamo apprezzato molto il tour e il tempo trascorso con Rita.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida è stata molto piacevole. Ma il grande vantaggio della visita guidata è che si può trascorrere del tempo nella Cappella Sistina! E non si deve fare la fila per entrare nella Basilica.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
La guida turistica è stata fantastica. Era molto preparata sulle opere d'arte e sulla storia. Ci è piaciuto molto il tour. È stato molto meglio di quanto ci aspettassimo.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida, Oxana, era divertente, amichevole e molto competente. Ogni stanza è stata travolgente e, da amante dell'arte, mi sono sentita entusiasta di essere nei Musei Vaticani.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida, Eleonora, è stata fantastica! Abbiamo imparato molto grazie a lei, e tutto in modo molto vivace! È una guida davvero brava e il suo background di archeologa le dà una visione più ampia e vivace!
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Questo tour a piedi nella città del Vaticano è stato uno dei punti salienti della nostra vacanza a Roma. I Musei Vaticani, la Capela Sistina, la Basilica di San Pietro sono bellissimi, sono dei capolavori, ma devo dire che la nostra guida Rita ha reso questa esperienza personale e interessante. Consigliamo vivamente questo tour di prima mattina!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida parlava molto velocemente e l'audio della guida era scadente. Abbiamo avuto difficoltà a capire Conor e quello che diceva.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
La nostra meravigliosa ospite Oksana 💜 Era così entusiasta e competente ma allo stesso tempo si è adattata al gruppo composto da adulti ma anche da bambini, adolescenti e anziani. Era così piena di piccole storie e dettagli interessanti che hanno reso il viaggio così divertente e interessante. È stata molto affascinante e compassionevole nei confronti del gruppo che si sentiva stanco e ci ha costantemente tirato su di morale. Il mio adolescente, non appassionato di arte e storia, ha detto che questo tour è stata l'esperienza della sua vita. Grazie, cara Oksana, è tutto merito tuo.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida Lia è stata davvero fantastica. Piena di entusiasmo, ci ha accompagnati come una "famiglia" per tutta la mattinata. Stare così presto in Piazza San Pietro è un'esperienza meravigliosa. Abbiamo apprezzato molto il tour e tutte le storie meravigliose.
Leggi la recensione originale in olandese
È sicuramente il tour da non perdere della Città del Vaticano, perché abbiamo saltato le code ridicolmente lunghe, abbiamo avuto una guida eccellente che ci ha dato una prospettiva di storia dell'arte, abbiamo camminato fino alla Cupola della Basilica di San Pietro, abbiamo esplorato le grotte, ci siamo fatti strada attraverso i punti salienti dei Musei Vaticani e abbiamo ammirato la Cappella Sistina. Il nostro gruppo non era troppo numeroso e la nostra guida, Maria, ha condiviso la sua ricchezza di conoscenze e la sua passione per il tour. Questo è l'unico modo per visitare il Vaticano!
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Le indicazioni per l'incontro erano chiare e il codice QR è stato fornito al momento dell'acquisto, la guida era molto competente e aveva un grande atteggiamento!!! Anche l'anticipo è stato migliore!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida Fabricio ha reso il tour di oltre 6 ore molto utile! Ha fatto rivivere la storia con storie divertenti e racconti entusiasti. Sfortunatamente, l'affluenza era molto limitata, dato che anche alle 7 c'erano code e attese.
Leggi la recensione originale in olandese
Poter saltare la coda è stato fantastico. La nostra guida è stata davvero brava, molto calorosa e paziente, compassionevole con alcuni dei membri del tour che avevano problemi fisici e ha preso accordi per facilitare l'esperienza. È anche molto chiara e divertente. *Non tutte le guide che abbiamo incontrato parlano con chiarezza.
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Un tour molto interessante con una guida molto istruttiva. Purtroppo il gruppo era piuttosto numeroso, quindi spesso dovevamo aspettare qualcuno.
Leggi la recensione originale in tedesco
Il posto era molto affollato, ma è stata comunque un'esperienza unica, illuminante e istruttiva. Martha, la nostra guida turistica, è stata fantastica.
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Sembra che vendano troppo i biglietti Skip the line, perché il posto era affollato ed è stato difficile orientarsi - persino la guida ha avuto difficoltà a tenerci insieme.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Abbiamo pensato che il punto d'incontro fosse facile da trovare e che il tour fosse molto approfondito. Abbiamo visto molto in un breve lasso di tempo. La nostra guida Marianne è stata fantastica e molto competente.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Maria, la nostra guida, è stata meravigliosa! Così competente, interessante e amichevole! Grazie mille per l'esperienza del tour e della scalata al duomo!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Il tour delle 7:15 è stato istruttivo, interessante e dettagliato. L'ingresso è stato un po' più lento del previsto. Raccomanderei questo tour.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Raffa è stata un'ottima guida turistica e ha reso l'esperienza molto migliore. È stata coinvolgente, competente e molto simpatica, il che ci ha aiutato a goderci la giornata e abbiamo lasciato il tour molto soddisfatti della nostra esperienza.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Ci è piaciuto molto poter vedere e conoscere così tanto della basilica di San Pietro, dei musei vaticani e della Cappella Sistina senza dover fare la fila con migliaia di altre persone! Grazie alle guide esperte, abbiamo potuto conoscere tutti i punti salienti, in modo approfondito, senza perdere tempo. Entrambe le nostre guide sono state informative e divertenti. Consigliatissimo!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Visita il Vaticano partecipando al tuo ritmo a un tour privato Salta la Coda personalizzato in base ai tuoi interessi
Visita il Vaticano partecipando al tuo ritmo a un tour privato Salta la Coda personalizzato in base ai tuoi interessi
Scopri la cupola della basilica e le sue storie con una guida professionista.
Scopri la cupola della basilica e le sue storie con una guida professionista.
Servizi esclusi
Spiegazioni molto approfondite, molto tempo per passeggiare e la guida era disponibile a rispondere a qualsiasi domanda del gruppo. Inizialmente volevo prenotare un tour dal sito ufficiale, ma era esaurito (l'ho preso per i Musei Vaticani, così ho un punto di riferimento) ed ero un po' scettico su questo, ma lo consiglio assolutamente!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
È stata un esperienza molto positiva. La nostra guida Edoardo De Biasi è stata molto competente e ha fornito un sacco di informazioni senza risultare pesante ma al contrario ci ha fatto passare due ore immersi nell arte e nella storia con aneddoti simpatici. Consigliamo questa esperienza Barbara Marco Greta e Filippo da Vicenza
Maria ha fornito il miglior tour che abbia mai fatto in vita mia. Torneremo a luglio per il giubileo e se potessimo riavere lei, rifarei lo stesso tour con altri membri della mia famiglia. Facciamo un grande in bocca al lupo a tutti e vi auguriamo il meglio.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Le nostre guide turistiche sono state fantastiche! Abbiamo apprezzato molto le spiegazioni e le storie condivise. Sono stati anche accomodanti nel tenere il gruppo unito e nel rispettare il livello di capacità fisica di ognuno. Siamo molto grati per la loro attenzione e cordialità.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Guida molto competente con una passione per l'argomento che è stata contagiosa e stimolante. I miei figli di 15 e 18 anni l'hanno trovata altrettanto affascinante. La Basilica e la sua storia sono incredibili.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Claudio ha reso l'esperienza indimenticabile e aveva un'incredibile conoscenza di Piazza San Pietro, della Basilica e della cripta. Non solo ha illustrato il significato religioso della storia della chiesa e dei suoi mosaici, ma ha anche fornito una prospettiva artistica. Abbiamo fatto il tour presto e siamo arrivati in cima alla cupola prima della folla e subito dopo l'alba, il che ha reso il tutto più speciale. Consigliamo vivamente questo tour!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
È stato molto divertente. Abbiamo appreso molte informazioni nuove, anche se siamo già stati molte volte alla Basilica di San Pietro e conosciamo molto bene la storia dell'arte. Questo è stato dovuto principalmente al modo non convenzionale e vivace della nostra guida Michaela. Grazie mille, ci è piaciuto così tanto che abbiamo prenotato un altro tour con la vostra agenzia per martedì, questa volta al Colosseo, al Foro Romano e al Palatino. Siamo già molto eccitati.
Leggi la recensione originale in tedesco
Avevo bisogno della toilette e mi è stato negato l'ingresso attraverso un percorso veloce. Forse si potrebbe pensare di avvisare i visitatori prima? A parte questo, è magnifico
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La visita alla Basilica di San Pietro e alla cupola è stata meravigliosa e spettacolare. È stato il momento culminante della nostra visita a Roma. La nostra guida, Eduardo, era molto preparata, istruttiva, ma soprattutto divertente. Era coinvolgente e parlava con noi tutto il tempo, rendendo il tour ancora più interessante. Durante la nostra visita, abbiamo visto le tombe di vari papi, la Basilica e le sue opere principali come la Pietà o i mosaici e le sculture che vi si trovano e poi siamo andati a scalare la cupola (che in effetti è stato un po' faticoso) e ci siamo goduti la vista mozzafiato del Vaticano e di Roma. Raccomando questa esperienza a tutti coloro che vogliono fare un bel tour della Basilica.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida, Claudio, ci ha dedicato una grande visita guidata, con la sua conoscenza approfondita della Basilica di San Pietro. Ci è piaciuto molto!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida francese Valerio ha reso la visita molto buona. Era molto preparato e competente sulla storia della basilica. I miei più sinceri complimenti per il suo lavoro. NOTA: Mia moglie non ha potuto salire sulla cupola per motivi di salute. La guida non ha comprato il biglietto (10€), vi prego di informarmi su come recuperare il denaro pagato per salire sulla cupola. Grazie mille e buona giornata. Antonio-Jesús Escudero Blanco
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Maria è stata una guida meravigliosa ed è riuscita a colmare l'attesa di un'ora in coda con la sua affascinante personalità, le sue storie e le sue eccellenti informazioni. Grazie! 🤩
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Valentina B., la nostra guida, è stata perfetta e ci ha regalato un tour molto interessante e vivace. La salita alla cupola è un must se si è in buone condizioni fisiche.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
La guida era meravigliosa, amichevole e molto competente. Mi sono sentita male durante il tour e lui è stato molto attento a me.
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Tutto era ben organizzato. Soprattutto la guida Karen. È semplicemente fantastica, sa tutto e rende piacevole l'attesa.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Ringraziamo questa agenzia per la sua gentilezza. La nostra guida è stata affascinante e ci ha permesso di scoprire la basilica in modo diverso.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
La nostra guida, Michaela (Michele) è stata fantastica. Storicamente molto preparata e con una buona personalità! Il check-in è stato strano.....discrepanze sull'orario di arrivo e il personale non ha apprezzato gli ospiti mattinieri. Il check-in deve essere migliorato. Fortunatamente la nostra guida ha compensato tutto questo. Raccomandiamo vivamente la nostra guida
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La visita è stata molto piacevole! La vista di Piazza San Pietro dalla cima della cupola è incredibile! Valentina è stata la nostra guida turistica ed è stata molto cordiale e professionale! Ne è valsa la pena! Lo consiglio!
Leggi la recensione originale in portoghese
Anna, la nostra guida, è stata incredibilmente fantastica. Tutti e quattro eravamo a Roma per la prima volta e il suo entusiasmo, la sua cordialità e le sue emozionanti descrizioni ci hanno raggiunto, toccato e reso entusiasti della Basilica di San Pietro, di Roma e di Anna. Questa studentessa d'arte di 19 anni si è data da fare per la causa ed è semplicemente fantastica. Tutti i migliori voti possibili da Susi, Rita, Anette ed Elke.
Leggi la recensione originale in tedesco
Grande visita a San Pietro e la scalata della cupola è stata impressionante. La guida è stata molto istruttiva e ha fatto un buon lavoro, l'unica delusione è stata che alcune parti della chiesa all'interno sono state coperte per il restauro e la tomba di Papa Giovanni Paolo II è stata coperta da tende.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La verità è che la guida francese Valerio (non so se si scrive così), un genio, parla perfettamente lo spagnolo e ha reso l'attesa e l'intera visita della basilica eccellenti. Altamente raccomandato.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
La nostra guida ci ha raccontato molte cose e l'interazione è stata ottima. Era un piccolo gruppo, non c'erano molte persone nella Città del Vaticano quella mattina del novembre 2024. La cupola è un must. Grazie
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Ottima la visita che ci è stata fatta, in spagnolo, dalla guida Lili, esperienza molto raccomandabile per conoscere un po' di più la Basilica. La salita alla cupola è una parte imperdibile della visita, senza dubbio una grande esperienza.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
La guida Fabian ha reso il tour un'esperienza molto divertente, varia e ricca di informazioni.
Leggi la recensione originale in tedesco
La nostra guida Federico è stata spettacolare, molto preparato disponibile e simpatico. Ci ha fatto fare un viaggio nel tempo con tutte le descrizioni e aneddoti del luogo, è appassionato della storia e dell'arte, ci ha svelato piccole chicche molto interessanti sulle opere, statue e dipinti. La vista dall'alto della città è fantastica Esperienza da consigliare! (Chiedete di Federico!)
10% di sconto
Visita entrambi i siti in un solo giorno o in giorni separati con questa conveniente combinazione.
Visita entrambi i siti in un solo giorno o in giorni separati con questa conveniente combinazione.
Musei Vaticani
Servizi esclusi
Musei Vaticani
Musei Vaticani
La nostra visita al Colosseo è stata un'esperienza davvero indimenticabile e dobbiamo molto alla nostra guida Rosario. La sua conoscenza e passione per la storia ci ha fatto rivivere ogni dettaglio dell'Anfiteatro Flavio e della ricca storia di Roma in modo unico. Ci ha trasportato indietro nel tempo con le sue spiegazioni chiare e coinvolgenti, permettendoci di apprezzare ulteriormente la magnificenza di questo sito iconico. Raccomandiamo vivamente questo tour a chiunque desideri vivere un'esperienza completa e arricchente. È stata molto più di una semplice visita, è stata una lezione di storia e cultura e non vediamo l'ora di tornarci per scoprire di più di questa straordinaria città!
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Era la prima volta che partecipavamo a una visita guidata e grazie alla nostra guida, Miriam, siamo rimasti entusiasti e vogliamo ripeterla. Torneremo sicuramente a Roma con i miei figli e prenoteremo di nuovo il tour con loro e speriamo di tornare con Miriam.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Le guide turistiche erano perfette La guida del Colosseo, Andrada, e la guida del Vatikan, Debra, sono state fantastiche. Do 5/5 a entrambi. Non c'era il servizio di cuffie per il tour di Vatikan. Non era comodo. Il tour del Colosseo era con le cuffie ed è stato facile capire la nostra guida turistica.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Ringraziamo di cuore Dario,per un problema a Frecciarossa siamo arrivati con tre ore di ritardo,lui ci ha inserito subito su un' altro gruppo facendo sì che siamo riusciti a vedere lo spettacolo dei musei Vaticani . sicuramente torneremo a usare headout .alla prossima
Abbiamo iniziato dall'Antico Foro, poi siamo andati ai Colli Palatini e infine al Colosseo! La nostra guida George ci ha raccontato ogni minimo dettaglio. Dettagli che non avremmo trovato facilmente. E poiché mi piace la storia, ho imparato molte cose nuove! Lo consiglio in qualsiasi momento! Prendete la visita guidata e godetevi una passeggiata attraverso l'antica Roma e la sua storia!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Avevamo una guida straordinaria, Maria, che ci ha fornito molte informazioni e dettagli su ciò che stavamo vedendo e vivendo. È stata chiara e coinvolgente. Nel periodo in cui siamo andati noi, la folla non era scarsa e il nostro gruppo era relativamente piccolo. Le istruzioni per la riunione erano chiare e l'audio funzionava bene.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Abbiamo avuto una guida che è stata puntuale all'ora e al punto concordato. La guida ha saputo raccontare con passione ed è riuscita a coinvolgere bene i partecipanti al tour.
Leggi la recensione originale in olandese
Ieri, 4 dicembre, abbiamo partecipato alla visita con Alba ai Musei Vaticani e alla Cappella Sistina. È stato un tour molto istruttivo. Si vedeva che ALBA era molto preparata e che era in grado di spiegare gli aspetti particolari. Per noi, il momento speciale è stata la visita all'Arazzo e alla sala adiacente con i paesaggi italiani provenienti da tutta Italia. Personalmente, sostituiremmo forse la sala delle sculture di animali con un approfondimento della parte moderna dei Musei Vaticani. In altre parole, il XX secolo. Raccomandiamo Alba senza riserve. Anche l'organizzazione è stata ottima.
Leggi la recensione originale in tedesco
Il tour è piacevole e si può conoscere tutto o quasi tutto ciò che si vede. Consiglio di fare questo tour con una guida per ottenere il massimo dall'esperienza e per capire il contesto di molte cose, sono sicuramente soldi ben spesi.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Mi sono piaciute molto tutte le informazioni che ci hanno dato, il tempo che abbiamo trascorso lì è passato molto velocemente perché era tutto molto interessante. Come opportunità di miglioramento, potrebbero darci delle cuffie di qualità migliore, perché il suono era molto scarso e io avevo solo un orecchio.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
La nostra guida Fabrizio aveva una formazione storica, era un ragazzo del posto, che ha acquisito le sue conoscenze direttamente in Vaticano quando studiava. I fatti molto interessanti che ha raccontato non erano noti al mio amico che aveva già visitato il Vaticano due volte. Quindi ho apprezzato molto il suo tour e lui come guida divertente, interessante e intelligente. Per quanto riguarda il tour è stato tutto in tempo, ben organizzato, e all'interno del tour dichiarato come sul sito web. Altamente raccomandato
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La guida Miriam è stata spettacolare, chiara, concisa e soprattutto molto divertente, la ripeteremmo senza esitazione, sapendo che è lei.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Mi è piaciuto molto visitare il sito, ma la visita è stata affrettata. Non ci è stato dato molto tempo per cogliere tutti gli aspetti di cui la guida parlava e per scattare foto.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Oltre alle fantastiche cose da vedere, Claudia, la nostra guida, è competente e parla bene l'inglese, rendendo il nostro tour dei Musei Vaticani e della Cappella Sistina un'esperienza memorabile e coinvolgente.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
La nostra guida Maria ci ha fornito una splendida spiegazione della storia del Colosseo, del Foro Romano e del Palatino. È stata un'esperienza indimenticabile e la consigliamo vivamente.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
La guida Ferninando è stata eccellente! Molto amichevole e con ottime spiegazioni, soprattutto una buona guida per interpretare la cappella sistina.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Abbiamo visto i punti salienti, ma la guida sembrava più concentrata a non perdere pezzi audio che a fornire informazioni. Non è stata molto coinvolgente
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Vorremmo ringraziare la nostra guida Jan per l'eccellente tempo trascorso con lei. Grazie alla sua passione, questa visita è stata memorabile e ne conserveremo un ottimo ricordo. Malika
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
L'esperienza complessiva è stata fantastica. Sergio è stato molto gentile e ha risposto a tutte le nostre domande. Il tempo è stato buono, ha iniziato a piovere durante il tour ma Sergio ci ha salvato andando nel colosseo per tenerci al riparo dalla pioggia. 5/5
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Carlota, una guida straordinaria. Ha gestito la congestione di turisti e visitatori in modo straordinario e ha accompagnato la visita con un racconto molto ben congegnato, supportato da materiale complementare. Molto bene.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
La nostra simpatica guida era molto preparata ed educata. Si è presa del tempo per spiegare i dettagli e ha reso il tour interessante. Un posto fantastico da visitare!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Mi sono divertita molto. La nostra guida, Rosella, ci ha fornito le informazioni in modo piacevole, così non ci siamo sentiti sopraffatti! La sua natura amichevole e il suo sorriso sono un vero punto di forza. Ci ha anche aiutato a scattare alcune foto! Il tour si è svolto secondo le informazioni riportate sul sito web e, sebbene ci fossero molti turisti, Rosella si è sempre assicurata che avessimo un posto tranquillo e potessimo ascoltare le informazioni che ci dava in modo piacevole. Grazie per esservi uniti a noi.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Un'esperienza incredibile, non solo per i Musei Vaticani in sé ma anche per la visita guidata con Paola Locci. Se si ha l'opportunità di essere guidati da lei si impara molto sulla storia dell'arte, sul Vaticano, sulla simbologia.... Grazie mille per tutto.
Leggi la recensione originale in spagnolo
Ilaria, la nostra guida romana, è stata molto piacevole e accogliente, conosceva a fondo il suo lavoro ed era piena di aneddoti che hanno reso la visita molto divertente. Consiglio vivamente questa visita guidata al Colosseo, al Palatino e al Foro Romano.
Leggi la recensione originale in francese
Il check-in è stato immediato, con molti gruppi che uscivano allo stesso tempo. La guida turistica Eugine era competente e amichevole.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Christos Rafail Pechlivanis
Dec 2024
All the information and details that the guide provides. If you go by yourself you will just look at rocks and monuments without learning anything about them.
Carlen McGoldrick
Dec 2024
It was nice skipping the lines. Having a tour guide tell us the information we would've missed how we walk through our own was well worth it.
Christos Rafail Pechlivanis
Dec 2024
All the information and details that the guide provides. If you go by yourself you will just look at rocks and monuments without learning anything about them.
Carlen McGoldrick
Dec 2024
It was nice skipping the lines. Having a tour guide tell us the information we would've missed how we walk through our own was well worth it.
Ruth Lindley Coker Lees
Dec 2024
Number one advice is to find the right tour company that employs knowledgeable and experienced tour guides! Headout was great to work with!
Shona Margaret Goldsbury
Nov 2024
The guide Rita was very good. The ability to 'skip the line' in both the Vatican & St Peters was awesome. What we didnt like was not being able to go back into the Vatican to explore more of it after the tour as there was more to see. Also I think the tour should finish in St Peters so we could see more of it in our own time. I felt the limited time in each place meant we didnt get great value for the money we spent.
Melanie Hanlon
Nov 2024
I got to see so much and Eliza made sure we could see everything possible and told us where and when we could take the best pictures and what was the most important things (which felt like everything).
Nov 2024
Patricia was friendly and polite. She explained with interesting details to make the tour lively. The palace is fantastic!
Magali Hernande
Nov 2024
Our tour guide was amazing. She knew so much about the history of the Vatican. She was also very considerate of us, she made sure she stopped at many stops with shade when we were outside. I took this tour during the summer, and breaks with shade were essential.
William Paul Stearns
Nov 2024
The guide was very informative and managed the tour time schedule that allowed for us to get the most out of the tour.
Barbara Naylor
Nov 2024
The interesting facts about about the Sistine Chapel and the Badillica, it brought the highlights to life.
Nov 2024
Our guide was excellent and his description was very interesting. He passed on to us the passion he had for art and Michel Angelo.
Samuel Mark Hallam
Nov 2024
Julia was a lovely guide and led us efficiently through the Vatican full of info and pointing out the highlights. It was good and she did a great job.
Christopher Cole
Nov 2024
Rita our tour guide was fantastic. Great value in helping navigate and skip the lines, but also really knowledgeable.
Arvid Gustav Sanglert
Nov 2024
Fully recommend guided tour of the Colosseum and the Foro Romano. Our guide Max was very friendly and knowledgeable!
Charles Smalley
Nov 2024
Without the guide we would have no idea what we were looking at. Julia kept us moving and was extremely knowledgable and I learned things I never knew. She also had a good sense of humour
Doris Retfalvi
Oct 2024
Our tour guide Rudi was very friendly, funny and well organised and made sure we visited and learned about the most important parts of the museum, grounds and basilica within our 3h timeslot
Caroline D King
Oct 2024
Our tour guide did a great job keeping the group together at all times. He gave great instructions and information!
David Carrick
Oct 2024
No queuing, great knowledge of the are vy the guide. Easy walking very relaxed. Plenty of time for photos.
Matt Campbell
Oct 2024
Didn't do the guided tour as we made an error on the timing of the tour. Just did the sites ourselves which worked well for our timing.
Valerie Case
Oct 2024
Having a guide is essential to getting through the crowds and seeing the places you most want to see.
Raquel Diaz
Oct 2024
There's so much to see and having a tour guide really makes a big difference and allows you to understand much of the chronology, meaning behind much of the pieces and artwork.
Leonardo Paladino
Oct 2024
The explanation of detail of everything. The Vatican itself is beautiful, however, the tour made it that much better.
David Steffen
Oct 2024
Elle, our guide, took her time with us and ensured we could see and hear despite the crowds. She was excellent! She used humor, stories, and history to teach us about the Vatican museum contents, the Sistine Chapel, and even just before we entered St. Peter's.
Kimberly Susan Alexander
Oct 2024
Vincenzo made sure we knew exactly where we were going, clearly told us what we needed to do at each step, and what to notice. We knew we were well taken care of, and in very capable hands.
Kathleen Clare Winser
Oct 2024
Perfect amount of information. There is so much to see it would be easy to be overloaded with info but Massimo gave enough to keep you interest but not so much as to become boring.
Lotte Rauschenberg
Oct 2024
She was very good, but in too much of a hurry. It was a 3 hour trip and we were through after 2,5 hours. She was rushing too much
Catherine Roche
Oct 2024
It was timed to perfection. Julia was the best tour guide.A vast amount of information to learn from the experience
Brendan Peter Carroll
Oct 2024
The only way to ensure you're utilizing your precious time in the Vatican is to ensure you book your tour well in advance of your travels and to book it via headout.
Michelle Fiorino-Ragni
Oct 2024
The guided tour was excellent. We skipped the line which saved us a great deal of time. The tour guide was very friendly and knowledgeable. Was skeptical but very glad we made reservations with them. Highly recommend.
Pamela Marie Paradisis
Oct 2024
Our tour guides knowledge her name was Sylvia was exceptional and really made the experience more enjoyable. She was also very easy going and accomodating.
Andrea Kimber
Nov 2024
We had previously done an audio tour and a guided tour beats it hands down, Getting the history and background from an accredited guide was fantastic
Kwala-ah Runsfiercely
Oct 2024
Guided tour is definitely the way to go to get the most out of your experience! The guides are well educated and have a license to be a tour guide.
Andrea Kimber
Nov 2024
We had previously done an audio tour and a guided tour beats it hands down, Getting the history and background from an accredited guide was fantastic
Kwala-ah Runsfiercely
Oct 2024
Guided tour is definitely the way to go to get the most out of your experience! The guides are well educated and have a license to be a tour guide.
Evelyn Murphy
Oct 2024
The guided tour offered quicker entry to The Vatican and we were able to avoid long queues. It was also a great way to to get an overview of The Vatican, The Sistine Chapel and St Peter's. So much to see in such little time!
José Francisco Pouso Cabanelas
Oct 2024
It is the best option to know a little bit more about the history and some fun facts about what you are seeing
Andrea Louise Reid
Oct 2024
We wanted to know more about the Sistene Chapel, Vatican museums and Vatican city generally as a 1st time visitor to Rome.
Susan Havens
Oct 2024
Paula was a pleasant, effective and extremely knowledgeable tour guide. She added humor into her discussion which was welcome. Paula was very respectful of the rules in the Basicillica unlike most other tourguides, many of which totally ignorned the request for silence.
Robert Woods
Oct 2024
In the past we have always done our own thing , but the guided tour option was a good choice that enabled quicker access to the colosseum, but more impotantly gave us so much information on the tour from an expert (Maria) than you couldn't possibly have gleened any other way.
Melinda Blakley
Oct 2024
We liked the overall plan on what we could see in one visit. The guide was also a great feature to have.
Jaroslaw Gruszecki
Oct 2024
We were lucky that the tour guided by Marco C.. Marco took care about whole group, counted us frequently, so noone was lost. We hear very interesting stories about creation of the artworks and different theories, which kept all time our interest and made a tour very individual and not as you can expect from academic explanation. @Marco thank you very much, you made extraordinarry job.
Mr Peter Mark Roberts
Oct 2024
The guide was very knowledgeable of the beautiful art and surroundings of the Vatican museums very nice.. but we didn't get to see St.Peters cathedral because of work being done for the jubilee 2025 no fault of the guide of course.. my wife and self did enjoy the tour thank you ����
Nesreen Innabi
Oct 2024
Ease to get into the Vatican and other associated places. Get the history behind the art secrets etc. from a knowledgeable tour guide.
Oct 2024
Glad we booked the tour. It made the whole thing so much easier and reduced the queuing time by about 80%. The tour is much simpler than to get different tickets for each thing.
Maren Toomsalu
Oct 2024
We appreciated the skip-the-line enterance to the Vatican museums. Also, our tour guide was awesome. The tour was quite long but very interesting.
Angela Sue Maloney
Oct 2024
Help with guiding around the Vatican as it is a big place. Also information about the paintings was helpful.
Dale Adams Flowers
Oct 2024
We wanted descriptions of all the beautiful paintings and art objects that we were seeing as well as the historical context.
Sidharth Gupta
Oct 2024
Because of the historic significance of the place it would be interesting to have a deeper understanding via a guided tour.
Mark Schambra
Oct 2024
We booked a tour for the experience of listening to a seasoned guide during our visit. Our guides name was Maggie, and she was exceptional! Her English was perfect, her knowledge of the Vatican and St Peters was profound, and she imparted a sense of energy and excitement into the entire tour which was remarkable considering that she gives the identical tours to many tourists multiple times per week.
Deborah Myers
Oct 2024
It was the only way I could get a ticket within the time frame I had. I'm glad I did. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and that made the experience riveting, despite the crowds.
Gilles MALKA
Oct 2024
The guide (Claudia ??..) was amazing, she is knowledgeable, and making the info easy going and entertaining. She is a great guide !!
Lawrence John Humphries
Oct 2024
It seemed to be comprehensive and whilst not the cheapest it was offering what we were looking for without lots of ambiguity.
Tracy Ann Baines
Oct 2024
The detailed history given by our guide throughout the tour. He was very knowledgeable and had a sense of humour too!
Maureen Campbell
Oct 2024
Being such a historic site I thought that we would get much more out of our visit to the Colosseum etc with a tour.
Paula Wallwork
Sep 2024
I wanted to learn more about the history of the Colosseum and the Forum Our guide was very knowledgeable, entertaining and absolutely brilliant
Nickolas P Silvestri
Sep 2024
We were looking forward to a more detailed account of the items on exhibit in the museum. We were also interested in a full explanantion of the Sistine Chapel.
Cameron Paul Rossiter
Sep 2024
To learn about the hidden stories that we would have missed if we self toured. Benjamin our guide was whitty, informative, answered all our questions and even dealt with poorly behaved people on the tour well when they abused him for their mistake.
Rachel New
Sep 2024
We would have missed a lot of small points of interest without a guide. Francesca was knowledgeable and friendly and being with her meant we got through the entrance very quickly.
Sep 2024
We loved all the history and wanted to have a tour guide that could tell us all the facts and stories. Stephanie did not disappoint.
Julie Canavan
Sep 2024
Eugene shared his opinion on the genius of Michaelangelo and his work in the sistine chapel. Art history was very comprehensive and interesting! We would definitely request a tour again with him
Edward Clement Harry Woodmore
Sep 2024
We wanted some guidance on a tour and wanting to skip the queues. Julia, the guide was outstanding. She knew so much about the Vatican, its history , about the Popes and the artworks. She was interesting, had a good sense of humour and kept tabs on her group.. Her presentation was flawless.
Alexandru-Florin Stanescu
Sep 2024
The guided tour experience and the opportunity to find out info in an interactove way from a face to face interaction
Christine Flanagan
Sep 2024
Silvie was our tour guide. Very knowledgeable and made sure I was taken care of as I had my hip replaced. Easy to meet up and skipping the line by buying tickets ahead of time is the only way to go. Learned so much more by having guide explain things.
David Oberholtzer
Sep 2024
To skip the line by getting tickets ahead of time. Our guide (Paola) did a great job in explaining what we were seeing.
Athula Abeyratne
Sep 2024
We wanted to hear and learn about everything in Vatican City from an expert in an orderly manner. The guide was very knowledge about everything and explained in detail.
Tanja Bosnjak
Sep 2024
This booking had the best reviews online and the cost was affordable given that it was a three hour tour.
Janine Lorna Foulkes-Williams
Sep 2024
I prefer to hear from an expert guide. Much quicker than reading guide books as they choose the best things to draw your attention to
Leanne Maria Gardner
Sep 2024
The tour of the Vatican was fantastic. Nothing could have prepared me for the history, the grandeur and draw dropping experience. I highly recommend everyone to do this tour. I pre booked which I did as glad I did as the entrance lines were huge...walking directly to the entrance with out guide was a relief to not have to stand in the heat. Our tour guide was so informative and friendly, again, I highly recommend guided tours. What an amazing experience that I'll never forget!
Raffaella Owens
Sep 2024
It actually was the only option left for the day we were in Rome. It turned out to be amazing. Our guide was fantastic, and the tour was well worth it.
Katherine Hendry
Sep 2024
We booked last minute and this was the only option available. It was a bit more expensive than other tours but we were pleased we booked it as we skipped the very long queues and we were limited time so wouldn't have been able to wait in the queues .
Aiesha Morrison
Sep 2024
We wanted to get the best out of our short stay and really dive in to the history of Vatican city and Rome.
Geraldine Conroy
Sep 2024
Maghda, our tour guide, was very knowledgeable, about The Colosseum and Surrounding sites. We wanted to find out the history.we
Geraldine Conroy
Sep 2024
We booked through internet as we live in Ireland. It was so easy . We wanted to get some of the history of Rome.
Mair Jenkins
Sep 2024
Really friendly and patient guide who took care of our needs - one in our party was a little slow. Our guide was Zara
Sayeh Mostame
Sep 2024
Our guide was patient and pretty nice. She explained everything in detail. She did not mind answering more questions.
Joanne Maria Page
Sep 2024
To make the most of a vast place and our guide Debora was magnificent giving us key points to understand the artwork and especially Michelangelo. Thus tour was everything I wanted and more . I cannot recommend Debora enough
Melissa Berry
Sep 2024
You could skip the line. The crowds were horrible, so it was nice to get out of the rain quickly and into the facilities.
William Keeling
Sep 2024
My wife and myself took a taxi to the Vatican and found ourselves overwhelmed and not sure where to start, I got on line and found your company, purchased two tickets, walked a few blocks to your office and within 45 minutes we where immersed in the most amazing experience of our trip to Roma. Thank you for the amazing customer service B.J. Keeling
Ayad Ghali
Sep 2024
The tour was good up to the Sistine chapel where we had a brake and to resume to a meeting point, once we got there we could not locate our tour guide and had to continue on our own which was a bit inconvenient ☹️
Jean Bertrand
Sep 2024
We just happened to pick this tour and we're very happy. We have nothing but praise for Marta, our tour guide. She was knowledgeable, interesting, patient with those who lagged behind and also a funny story teller. Highly recommend Marta.
Renae Gapes
Sep 2024
The tour appeared to include everyting that I wanted when I was booking it. It seemed a fair price for everything that was included and the time slots were convenient. The site was easy to navigate.
Sep 2024
The guided tour was a must to do in Vatican because it was so crowded and cannot know what to do as a tourist.
Carole Anne Davies
Sep 2024
We wanted to hear the hsitory of the places, rather than just look at them. A digital guide would have been much cheaper but there is no comparison with and actual person.
Liz Sandra Barragan
Sep 2024
Me and my group always dreamed of comming to Europe and learn more about it, Mariam (like Virgin Mary ) was really helpful
Paul Chesek
Sep 2024
Ability to skip long lines and access all 3 Vatican mist important sights: Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St Peters Basilica.
Joseph Godfried Leonard Selen
Sep 2024
We wished to avoid long lines and were also completely unfamiliar with the Vatican, so a guided tour seemed the best option to get access to all the areas we wanted to visit, while also getting some background information.
Ezequiel Medeiros
Sep 2024
Great tour, right from reception to Paula our guide who was amazing. Visited on September 9th, the Vatican was very busy. The skip the line and guidance from Paula was definitely worth it.
Lilian Wyngaards
Sep 2024
Just to help negotiate the crowd whilst gaining some knowledge about the Vatican, Vatican City, The Sistine Chapel and St Peters Basilica.
Mary Lanae Hooper
Sep 2024
I liked what they described on the tour. I May have had. Recommendation from a friend who used this service earlier in the summer.
Horváth Hanna
Sep 2024
It contained the most experiences. We got to visit the Vatikan Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peters Basilica by one go.
Claudia Ann Filiatrault-Dort
Sep 2024
We wanted to know more about the history of Vatican City. Jaber was very knowledgeable. He kept the guided tour going at a good pace & did not overwhelm us with to much information. He was very respectful of the surroundings ( Sistine Chapel, the Basilica) & made sure we were too!
Jan Arnold
Sep 2024
Desire to make the most of our short time in Rome. Considered getting a knowledgeable guide would be best way to achieve that aim!
Hamza Baleed
Sep 2024
Amazing tour guide. Clearly explained the history and significance of the monuments with passion, detail and humour.
Petroșan Ana-Adina
Sep 2024
I chose to book a guided tour beacause I wanted to find out more than I would have found if I went on my own.
Rachel Tennant
Sep 2024
This tour included the Ancient Rome highlights we most wanted to see with a guide, so we could get more out of what we were seeing.
elizabeth fulton
Sep 2024
Our tour guide Laura_S had incredible knowledge of the Vatican Museum artifacts and told us other interesting that captured our attention. She was very careful not to lose us in such a crowded space. She was humorous and always had an answer for anyone who asked a question. This was not a boring guided tour Bbecause Laura was passionate about Vatican hisory . 10/10 Laura thank you Elizabeth ( scotland)
Blanca Teresa Camacho Chiquin
Sep 2024
I wanted to learn and experience the Vatican from a tour guide. The history, details and quirky facts made it entertaining and memorable.
Emma Watson-Field
Sep 2024
To a full and efficient experience of the colosseum. Information is easier to digest when heard than read.
Henry Anaya
Sep 2024
Tour guide was exceptional! She helped us through the Vatican and explained what everything was in detail
Gillian Coleman
Sep 2024
Availability as we booked the day before , price snd we wanted a shorter tour. We booked the diode for the museums and Sistine chapel but we're self guided for St Peter's.
Elizabeth Whitmer
Sep 2024
We wanted to learn about the history of the Vatican and the art work contained in this historic place.
Anastasiia Markova
Sep 2024
Diana was a great tour guide. We enjoyed the full tour. Very informative but also not too much information to make it boring.
Lindsay Alston
Sep 2024
We heard the museums can be overwhelming, so we wanted a guide to help us see the best things and give us some additional information.
Andrew Allan Cupit
Sep 2024
Wanted to have some detailed information on the Vatican, skip the lines and small tour group. Madia was an excellent guide and had an encyclopaedic knowledge of St Peter's and the Vatican museum.
Kathryn Boast
Sep 2024
I think you always get a much better experience and learn a lot when you have a guide. Our guide for this tour was amazing and really brought the place to life. Highly recommended.
Sally Richardson
Sep 2024
We wanted a knowledgeable guide to get the most out of the visit and our guide very much delivered! It was an excellent tour - thank you
Sheila Lacsamana
Aug 2024
I want to lean a little bit more history about the Vatican and learned a lot about Sistine Chapel and was amazed by the Pope tombs underneath
Noam Wagenstein
Aug 2024
Susana was great! She was super energetic and so fun to be around. The tour itself was great, very informative and interesting. Recommend!!
Sally Blundell
Aug 2024
We realised there was so much more information we could gain than by walking through by ourselves. We also wanted to beat the queues.
Nicole Look
Aug 2024
They are places that I have grown up hearing about and seeing and I really wanted to see them for myself.
Aug 2024
Wanted more of a history reflected tour by a guide instead of a self guided tour without the hoisirical information.
Indie Saunders
Aug 2024
The structure of the tour was very helpful due to the immense size of the Vatican Museums - our tour guide Silvia was amazingly helpful, knowledgeable and focused. We managed to see all of the highlights in the most efficient way, without the possibility of getting lost throughout all of the many collections.
Rebecca Ann Rowlinson
Aug 2024
Came up favourably on Google and TripAdvisor. Was withing cost and being able to split the experience over two days was a bonus.
Line Lindgreen Eriksen
Aug 2024
I thought a guide would highlight the most important parts of your huge build and art collections, which she did
Joshua Addison
Aug 2024
The amount and importance of the historical sites. Our tour guide, Diego, was phenomenal and went way out of his way to answer all of my questions and give the absolute best possible tour. As good as it gets.
Jocelyn de castro
Aug 2024
To learn more of the history and our guide was very knowledgeable and explained everything that we need to know. It was a great pleasure to be our tour guide.
Christos Rafail Pechlivanis
Dec 2024
All the information and details that the guide provides. If you go by yourself you will just look at rocks and monuments without learning anything about them.
Carlen McGoldrick
Dec 2024
It was nice skipping the lines. Having a tour guide tell us the information we would've missed how we walk through our own was well worth it.
Christos Rafail Pechlivanis
Dec 2024
All the information and details that the guide provides. If you go by yourself you will just look at rocks and monuments without learning anything about them.
Carlen McGoldrick
Dec 2024
It was nice skipping the lines. Having a tour guide tell us the information we would've missed how we walk through our own was well worth it.
Ruth Lindley Coker Lees
Dec 2024
Number one advice is to find the right tour company that employs knowledgeable and experienced tour guides! Headout was great to work with!
Shona Margaret Goldsbury
Nov 2024
The guide Rita was very good. The ability to 'skip the line' in both the Vatican & St Peters was awesome. What we didnt like was not being able to go back into the Vatican to explore more of it after the tour as there was more to see. Also I think the tour should finish in St Peters so we could see more of it in our own time. I felt the limited time in each place meant we didnt get great value for the money we spent.
Melanie Hanlon
Nov 2024
I got to see so much and Eliza made sure we could see everything possible and told us where and when we could take the best pictures and what was the most important things (which felt like everything).
Nov 2024
Patricia was friendly and polite. She explained with interesting details to make the tour lively. The palace is fantastic!
Magali Hernande
Nov 2024
Our tour guide was amazing. She knew so much about the history of the Vatican. She was also very considerate of us, she made sure she stopped at many stops with shade when we were outside. I took this tour during the summer, and breaks with shade were essential.
William Paul Stearns
Nov 2024
The guide was very informative and managed the tour time schedule that allowed for us to get the most out of the tour.
Barbara Naylor
Nov 2024
The interesting facts about about the Sistine Chapel and the Badillica, it brought the highlights to life.
Nov 2024
Our guide was excellent and his description was very interesting. He passed on to us the passion he had for art and Michel Angelo.
Samuel Mark Hallam
Nov 2024
Julia was a lovely guide and led us efficiently through the Vatican full of info and pointing out the highlights. It was good and she did a great job.
Christopher Cole
Nov 2024
Rita our tour guide was fantastic. Great value in helping navigate and skip the lines, but also really knowledgeable.
Arvid Gustav Sanglert
Nov 2024
Fully recommend guided tour of the Colosseum and the Foro Romano. Our guide Max was very friendly and knowledgeable!
Charles Smalley
Nov 2024
Without the guide we would have no idea what we were looking at. Julia kept us moving and was extremely knowledgable and I learned things I never knew. She also had a good sense of humour
Doris Retfalvi
Oct 2024
Our tour guide Rudi was very friendly, funny and well organised and made sure we visited and learned about the most important parts of the museum, grounds and basilica within our 3h timeslot
Caroline D King
Oct 2024
Our tour guide did a great job keeping the group together at all times. He gave great instructions and information!
David Carrick
Oct 2024
No queuing, great knowledge of the are vy the guide. Easy walking very relaxed. Plenty of time for photos.
Matt Campbell
Oct 2024
Didn't do the guided tour as we made an error on the timing of the tour. Just did the sites ourselves which worked well for our timing.
Valerie Case
Oct 2024
Having a guide is essential to getting through the crowds and seeing the places you most want to see.
Raquel Diaz
Oct 2024
There's so much to see and having a tour guide really makes a big difference and allows you to understand much of the chronology, meaning behind much of the pieces and artwork.
Leonardo Paladino
Oct 2024
The explanation of detail of everything. The Vatican itself is beautiful, however, the tour made it that much better.
David Steffen
Oct 2024
Elle, our guide, took her time with us and ensured we could see and hear despite the crowds. She was excellent! She used humor, stories, and history to teach us about the Vatican museum contents, the Sistine Chapel, and even just before we entered St. Peter's.
Kimberly Susan Alexander
Oct 2024
Vincenzo made sure we knew exactly where we were going, clearly told us what we needed to do at each step, and what to notice. We knew we were well taken care of, and in very capable hands.
Kathleen Clare Winser
Oct 2024
Perfect amount of information. There is so much to see it would be easy to be overloaded with info but Massimo gave enough to keep you interest but not so much as to become boring.
Lotte Rauschenberg
Oct 2024
She was very good, but in too much of a hurry. It was a 3 hour trip and we were through after 2,5 hours. She was rushing too much
Catherine Roche
Oct 2024
It was timed to perfection. Julia was the best tour guide.A vast amount of information to learn from the experience
Brendan Peter Carroll
Oct 2024
The only way to ensure you're utilizing your precious time in the Vatican is to ensure you book your tour well in advance of your travels and to book it via headout.
Michelle Fiorino-Ragni
Oct 2024
The guided tour was excellent. We skipped the line which saved us a great deal of time. The tour guide was very friendly and knowledgeable. Was skeptical but very glad we made reservations with them. Highly recommend.
Pamela Marie Paradisis
Oct 2024
Our tour guides knowledge her name was Sylvia was exceptional and really made the experience more enjoyable. She was also very easy going and accomodating.
Andrea Kimber
Nov 2024
We had previously done an audio tour and a guided tour beats it hands down, Getting the history and background from an accredited guide was fantastic
Kwala-ah Runsfiercely
Oct 2024
Guided tour is definitely the way to go to get the most out of your experience! The guides are well educated and have a license to be a tour guide.
Andrea Kimber
Nov 2024
We had previously done an audio tour and a guided tour beats it hands down, Getting the history and background from an accredited guide was fantastic
Kwala-ah Runsfiercely
Oct 2024
Guided tour is definitely the way to go to get the most out of your experience! The guides are well educated and have a license to be a tour guide.
Evelyn Murphy
Oct 2024
The guided tour offered quicker entry to The Vatican and we were able to avoid long queues. It was also a great way to to get an overview of The Vatican, The Sistine Chapel and St Peter's. So much to see in such little time!
José Francisco Pouso Cabanelas
Oct 2024
It is the best option to know a little bit more about the history and some fun facts about what you are seeing
Andrea Louise Reid
Oct 2024
We wanted to know more about the Sistene Chapel, Vatican museums and Vatican city generally as a 1st time visitor to Rome.
Susan Havens
Oct 2024
Paula was a pleasant, effective and extremely knowledgeable tour guide. She added humor into her discussion which was welcome. Paula was very respectful of the rules in the Basicillica unlike most other tourguides, many of which totally ignorned the request for silence.
Robert Woods
Oct 2024
In the past we have always done our own thing , but the guided tour option was a good choice that enabled quicker access to the colosseum, but more impotantly gave us so much information on the tour from an expert (Maria) than you couldn't possibly have gleened any other way.
Melinda Blakley
Oct 2024
We liked the overall plan on what we could see in one visit. The guide was also a great feature to have.
Jaroslaw Gruszecki
Oct 2024
We were lucky that the tour guided by Marco C.. Marco took care about whole group, counted us frequently, so noone was lost. We hear very interesting stories about creation of the artworks and different theories, which kept all time our interest and made a tour very individual and not as you can expect from academic explanation. @Marco thank you very much, you made extraordinarry job.
Mr Peter Mark Roberts
Oct 2024
The guide was very knowledgeable of the beautiful art and surroundings of the Vatican museums very nice.. but we didn't get to see St.Peters cathedral because of work being done for the jubilee 2025 no fault of the guide of course.. my wife and self did enjoy the tour thank you ����
Nesreen Innabi
Oct 2024
Ease to get into the Vatican and other associated places. Get the history behind the art secrets etc. from a knowledgeable tour guide.
Oct 2024
Glad we booked the tour. It made the whole thing so much easier and reduced the queuing time by about 80%. The tour is much simpler than to get different tickets for each thing.
Maren Toomsalu
Oct 2024
We appreciated the skip-the-line enterance to the Vatican museums. Also, our tour guide was awesome. The tour was quite long but very interesting.
Angela Sue Maloney
Oct 2024
Help with guiding around the Vatican as it is a big place. Also information about the paintings was helpful.
Dale Adams Flowers
Oct 2024
We wanted descriptions of all the beautiful paintings and art objects that we were seeing as well as the historical context.
Sidharth Gupta
Oct 2024
Because of the historic significance of the place it would be interesting to have a deeper understanding via a guided tour.
Mark Schambra
Oct 2024
We booked a tour for the experience of listening to a seasoned guide during our visit. Our guides name was Maggie, and she was exceptional! Her English was perfect, her knowledge of the Vatican and St Peters was profound, and she imparted a sense of energy and excitement into the entire tour which was remarkable considering that she gives the identical tours to many tourists multiple times per week.
Deborah Myers
Oct 2024
It was the only way I could get a ticket within the time frame I had. I'm glad I did. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and that made the experience riveting, despite the crowds.
Gilles MALKA
Oct 2024
The guide (Claudia ??..) was amazing, she is knowledgeable, and making the info easy going and entertaining. She is a great guide !!
Lawrence John Humphries
Oct 2024
It seemed to be comprehensive and whilst not the cheapest it was offering what we were looking for without lots of ambiguity.
Tracy Ann Baines
Oct 2024
The detailed history given by our guide throughout the tour. He was very knowledgeable and had a sense of humour too!
Maureen Campbell
Oct 2024
Being such a historic site I thought that we would get much more out of our visit to the Colosseum etc with a tour.
Paula Wallwork
Sep 2024
I wanted to learn more about the history of the Colosseum and the Forum Our guide was very knowledgeable, entertaining and absolutely brilliant
Nickolas P Silvestri
Sep 2024
We were looking forward to a more detailed account of the items on exhibit in the museum. We were also interested in a full explanantion of the Sistine Chapel.
Cameron Paul Rossiter
Sep 2024
To learn about the hidden stories that we would have missed if we self toured. Benjamin our guide was whitty, informative, answered all our questions and even dealt with poorly behaved people on the tour well when they abused him for their mistake.
Rachel New
Sep 2024
We would have missed a lot of small points of interest without a guide. Francesca was knowledgeable and friendly and being with her meant we got through the entrance very quickly.
Sep 2024
We loved all the history and wanted to have a tour guide that could tell us all the facts and stories. Stephanie did not disappoint.
Julie Canavan
Sep 2024
Eugene shared his opinion on the genius of Michaelangelo and his work in the sistine chapel. Art history was very comprehensive and interesting! We would definitely request a tour again with him
Edward Clement Harry Woodmore
Sep 2024
We wanted some guidance on a tour and wanting to skip the queues. Julia, the guide was outstanding. She knew so much about the Vatican, its history , about the Popes and the artworks. She was interesting, had a good sense of humour and kept tabs on her group.. Her presentation was flawless.
Alexandru-Florin Stanescu
Sep 2024
The guided tour experience and the opportunity to find out info in an interactove way from a face to face interaction
Christine Flanagan
Sep 2024
Silvie was our tour guide. Very knowledgeable and made sure I was taken care of as I had my hip replaced. Easy to meet up and skipping the line by buying tickets ahead of time is the only way to go. Learned so much more by having guide explain things.
David Oberholtzer
Sep 2024
To skip the line by getting tickets ahead of time. Our guide (Paola) did a great job in explaining what we were seeing.
Athula Abeyratne
Sep 2024
We wanted to hear and learn about everything in Vatican City from an expert in an orderly manner. The guide was very knowledge about everything and explained in detail.
Tanja Bosnjak
Sep 2024
This booking had the best reviews online and the cost was affordable given that it was a three hour tour.
Janine Lorna Foulkes-Williams
Sep 2024
I prefer to hear from an expert guide. Much quicker than reading guide books as they choose the best things to draw your attention to
Leanne Maria Gardner
Sep 2024
The tour of the Vatican was fantastic. Nothing could have prepared me for the history, the grandeur and draw dropping experience. I highly recommend everyone to do this tour. I pre booked which I did as glad I did as the entrance lines were huge...walking directly to the entrance with out guide was a relief to not have to stand in the heat. Our tour guide was so informative and friendly, again, I highly recommend guided tours. What an amazing experience that I'll never forget!
Raffaella Owens
Sep 2024
It actually was the only option left for the day we were in Rome. It turned out to be amazing. Our guide was fantastic, and the tour was well worth it.
Katherine Hendry
Sep 2024
We booked last minute and this was the only option available. It was a bit more expensive than other tours but we were pleased we booked it as we skipped the very long queues and we were limited time so wouldn't have been able to wait in the queues .
Aiesha Morrison
Sep 2024
We wanted to get the best out of our short stay and really dive in to the history of Vatican city and Rome.
Geraldine Conroy
Sep 2024
Maghda, our tour guide, was very knowledgeable, about The Colosseum and Surrounding sites. We wanted to find out the history.we
Geraldine Conroy
Sep 2024
We booked through internet as we live in Ireland. It was so easy . We wanted to get some of the history of Rome.
Mair Jenkins
Sep 2024
Really friendly and patient guide who took care of our needs - one in our party was a little slow. Our guide was Zara
Sayeh Mostame
Sep 2024
Our guide was patient and pretty nice. She explained everything in detail. She did not mind answering more questions.
Joanne Maria Page
Sep 2024
To make the most of a vast place and our guide Debora was magnificent giving us key points to understand the artwork and especially Michelangelo. Thus tour was everything I wanted and more . I cannot recommend Debora enough
Melissa Berry
Sep 2024
You could skip the line. The crowds were horrible, so it was nice to get out of the rain quickly and into the facilities.
William Keeling
Sep 2024
My wife and myself took a taxi to the Vatican and found ourselves overwhelmed and not sure where to start, I got on line and found your company, purchased two tickets, walked a few blocks to your office and within 45 minutes we where immersed in the most amazing experience of our trip to Roma. Thank you for the amazing customer service B.J. Keeling
Ayad Ghali
Sep 2024
The tour was good up to the Sistine chapel where we had a brake and to resume to a meeting point, once we got there we could not locate our tour guide and had to continue on our own which was a bit inconvenient ☹️
Jean Bertrand
Sep 2024
We just happened to pick this tour and we're very happy. We have nothing but praise for Marta, our tour guide. She was knowledgeable, interesting, patient with those who lagged behind and also a funny story teller. Highly recommend Marta.
Renae Gapes
Sep 2024
The tour appeared to include everyting that I wanted when I was booking it. It seemed a fair price for everything that was included and the time slots were convenient. The site was easy to navigate.
Sep 2024
The guided tour was a must to do in Vatican because it was so crowded and cannot know what to do as a tourist.
Carole Anne Davies
Sep 2024
We wanted to hear the hsitory of the places, rather than just look at them. A digital guide would have been much cheaper but there is no comparison with and actual person.
Liz Sandra Barragan
Sep 2024
Me and my group always dreamed of comming to Europe and learn more about it, Mariam (like Virgin Mary ) was really helpful
Paul Chesek
Sep 2024
Ability to skip long lines and access all 3 Vatican mist important sights: Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St Peters Basilica.
Joseph Godfried Leonard Selen
Sep 2024
We wished to avoid long lines and were also completely unfamiliar with the Vatican, so a guided tour seemed the best option to get access to all the areas we wanted to visit, while also getting some background information.
Ezequiel Medeiros
Sep 2024
Great tour, right from reception to Paula our guide who was amazing. Visited on September 9th, the Vatican was very busy. The skip the line and guidance from Paula was definitely worth it.
Lilian Wyngaards
Sep 2024
Just to help negotiate the crowd whilst gaining some knowledge about the Vatican, Vatican City, The Sistine Chapel and St Peters Basilica.
Mary Lanae Hooper
Sep 2024
I liked what they described on the tour. I May have had. Recommendation from a friend who used this service earlier in the summer.
Horváth Hanna
Sep 2024
It contained the most experiences. We got to visit the Vatikan Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peters Basilica by one go.
Claudia Ann Filiatrault-Dort
Sep 2024
We wanted to know more about the history of Vatican City. Jaber was very knowledgeable. He kept the guided tour going at a good pace & did not overwhelm us with to much information. He was very respectful of the surroundings ( Sistine Chapel, the Basilica) & made sure we were too!
Jan Arnold
Sep 2024
Desire to make the most of our short time in Rome. Considered getting a knowledgeable guide would be best way to achieve that aim!
Hamza Baleed
Sep 2024
Amazing tour guide. Clearly explained the history and significance of the monuments with passion, detail and humour.
Petroșan Ana-Adina
Sep 2024
I chose to book a guided tour beacause I wanted to find out more than I would have found if I went on my own.
Rachel Tennant
Sep 2024
This tour included the Ancient Rome highlights we most wanted to see with a guide, so we could get more out of what we were seeing.
elizabeth fulton
Sep 2024
Our tour guide Laura_S had incredible knowledge of the Vatican Museum artifacts and told us other interesting that captured our attention. She was very careful not to lose us in such a crowded space. She was humorous and always had an answer for anyone who asked a question. This was not a boring guided tour Bbecause Laura was passionate about Vatican hisory . 10/10 Laura thank you Elizabeth ( scotland)
Blanca Teresa Camacho Chiquin
Sep 2024
I wanted to learn and experience the Vatican from a tour guide. The history, details and quirky facts made it entertaining and memorable.
Emma Watson-Field
Sep 2024
To a full and efficient experience of the colosseum. Information is easier to digest when heard than read.
Henry Anaya
Sep 2024
Tour guide was exceptional! She helped us through the Vatican and explained what everything was in detail
Gillian Coleman
Sep 2024
Availability as we booked the day before , price snd we wanted a shorter tour. We booked the diode for the museums and Sistine chapel but we're self guided for St Peter's.
Elizabeth Whitmer
Sep 2024
We wanted to learn about the history of the Vatican and the art work contained in this historic place.
Anastasiia Markova
Sep 2024
Diana was a great tour guide. We enjoyed the full tour. Very informative but also not too much information to make it boring.
Lindsay Alston
Sep 2024
We heard the museums can be overwhelming, so we wanted a guide to help us see the best things and give us some additional information.
Andrew Allan Cupit
Sep 2024
Wanted to have some detailed information on the Vatican, skip the lines and small tour group. Madia was an excellent guide and had an encyclopaedic knowledge of St Peter's and the Vatican museum.
Kathryn Boast
Sep 2024
I think you always get a much better experience and learn a lot when you have a guide. Our guide for this tour was amazing and really brought the place to life. Highly recommended.
Sally Richardson
Sep 2024
We wanted a knowledgeable guide to get the most out of the visit and our guide very much delivered! It was an excellent tour - thank you
Sheila Lacsamana
Aug 2024
I want to lean a little bit more history about the Vatican and learned a lot about Sistine Chapel and was amazed by the Pope tombs underneath
Noam Wagenstein
Aug 2024
Susana was great! She was super energetic and so fun to be around. The tour itself was great, very informative and interesting. Recommend!!
Sally Blundell
Aug 2024
We realised there was so much more information we could gain than by walking through by ourselves. We also wanted to beat the queues.
Nicole Look
Aug 2024
They are places that I have grown up hearing about and seeing and I really wanted to see them for myself.
Aug 2024
Wanted more of a history reflected tour by a guide instead of a self guided tour without the hoisirical information.
Indie Saunders
Aug 2024
The structure of the tour was very helpful due to the immense size of the Vatican Museums - our tour guide Silvia was amazingly helpful, knowledgeable and focused. We managed to see all of the highlights in the most efficient way, without the possibility of getting lost throughout all of the many collections.
Rebecca Ann Rowlinson
Aug 2024
Came up favourably on Google and TripAdvisor. Was withing cost and being able to split the experience over two days was a bonus.
Line Lindgreen Eriksen
Aug 2024
I thought a guide would highlight the most important parts of your huge build and art collections, which she did
Joshua Addison
Aug 2024
The amount and importance of the historical sites. Our tour guide, Diego, was phenomenal and went way out of his way to answer all of my questions and give the absolute best possible tour. As good as it gets.
Jocelyn de castro
Aug 2024
To learn more of the history and our guide was very knowledgeable and explained everything that we need to know. It was a great pleasure to be our tour guide.
Alicia Portillo
Nov 2024
Be ready for crowds and long lines. Don't go when it is hot. We went in October and it gets a little hot because of the crowds. The dome climb is difficult.
Evelyn Murphy
Oct 2024
Buy your ticket online to skip the queues. Maybe choose a time when the Vatican Museums aren't as busy. We went at 3pm and there were so many people there. Get to your meeting point in plenty of time and use their bathroom before going on the tour. Ask your guide to show you the door into St Peter's at the end of the tour. You can spend plenty of time there. We actually happened on a Mass under the Dome at 6pm, beautiful music, very special.
Alicia Portillo
Nov 2024
Be ready for crowds and long lines. Don't go when it is hot. We went in October and it gets a little hot because of the crowds. The dome climb is difficult.
Evelyn Murphy
Oct 2024
Buy your ticket online to skip the queues. Maybe choose a time when the Vatican Museums aren't as busy. We went at 3pm and there were so many people there. Get to your meeting point in plenty of time and use their bathroom before going on the tour. Ask your guide to show you the door into St Peter's at the end of the tour. You can spend plenty of time there. We actually happened on a Mass under the Dome at 6pm, beautiful music, very special.
Susan Havens
Oct 2024
I saw some negative reviews online but l believe these were due to people not following directions properly or showing up late to their appointment time. Everything seemed very organized for our Vatican tour
David Stanbury
Oct 2024
You will have to queue for a while if you want to climb the dome. You can post a card from the Vatican post office while you're there. Apparently the card will be a surprise. Will find out when I get home. Photos of our passports was accepted in the ID check
Jaroslaw Gruszecki
Oct 2024
One thing I was awaiting -reninder mail with instructions 2 days before the tour (if was sent I'm sorry if I missed it).
Mr Peter Mark Roberts
Oct 2024
Be prepared for lots of walking! On hot days make sure you bring water or a cold drink. There are beautiful things to see, take plenty of pictures and finally obey the dress code when visiting out of respect (very important)
Nesreen Innabi
Oct 2024
Get there early and follow and listen to your guide. Recommend getting this tour due to ease of access between venues (museum and churches), no waiting in line or going outside to go thru another entrance, all access from interior.
Oct 2024
Book a tour for Vatican. Makes the experience so much easier. If possible book an earlier slot. Did the 8:30amandit was already busy but not as much as when we actually got out. Allow enough time to get to your meeting point and even have a coff in the area to limit stress. Prepare for a long day but fantastic day on your feet
Karen Marino
Oct 2024
Get there about 10 minutes earlier than they suggest! There are multiple tours going on, so this was good to keep in mind. I heard going earlier was better, and it was, as it gets VERY hectic later in the day.
Oct 2024
Never again too soon. The train to Rome doesn't work on the 2nd day of October. Workers from municipal transportation Atac made a strike on the 5th. Too many monuments are in restauration in every important touristic spot. In the basilica of St. Peter also. It rains daily. Maybe they want to visit in the summer of 2026.
Angela Sue Maloney
Oct 2024
If you struggle to understand the tour guide, make sure to stand near then when they are talking its easier to understand accents in person rather than over the headset.
Dale Adams Flowers
Oct 2024
We were able to walk to the tour start which was very convenient. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable but spoke quickly with a strong accent. We were not able to understand all that he was telling us.
Sidharth Gupta
Oct 2024
The main pro of a guided tour is that you are able to skip the long lines but a con is that the experience is not self paced. You will have to be with your guide all the time. Our guide was quite knowledgeable but the whole tour was quited rushed.
Mark Schambra
Oct 2024
Definitely book a Tour with Headout!!!! Our tour started at 2:30 and worked out fine for us because we flew into Rome from New York City the day before and the jet lag made it difficult to start earlier in the day.
Lawrence John Humphries
Oct 2024
Don't take a backpack. Take a plastic water bottle. Photographs are allowed apart from the Scistine Chaple. Dress appropriately (shoulders covered and no shorts or skirts above the knee.
Paul Fuller
Oct 2024
Although there were queues it was never a problem. More of a problem hearing your guide in certain areas or if they walked to fast
Tracy Ann Baines
Oct 2024
Use the metro it's quick and cheap way to travel. Give yourself time to get to meet point as the metro gets very busy particularly to Vatican City.
Katherine Rose
Oct 2024
Take a Vatican and Colosseum tour, you will learn so much without having to read all the informational signs. Plus both are big and a guide will save you from wandering lost. Don't get a tour for the pantheon-there is plenty of info to read beforehand online. Get all tickets for as early as you can as crowds increase as the day goes on.
Glen Meyer
Oct 2024
Buy online Prepare for a great tour Take water and use bathroom before going in Follow the guide closely
Allan Apsouris
Oct 2024
I felt like I never really seen the Museum that I was run through it. Make a longer tour so you have time to see things. I looked at something for 30 seconds turned around and the group was gone. I had no idea where they were other than the receiver worked better when I was close to the guide.
Simone Terp Eriksen
Oct 2024
calculate with +30-60 min more than it says the tour will last cover knees and shoulders bring a small snack and water bottle you will be tired after ;)
Krista Vane-Tempest Stewart
Oct 2024
We caught a taxi and it was easy to get dropped outside the Vatican wall rather than via Tunisi itself. Allow plenty of time for traffic.
Nickolas P Silvestri
Sep 2024
Wear comfortable shoes and cover shoulders and knees. Guide should have some umbrella or other item to find him among the many other guides and visitors. The ear piece and microphone used by the guide were essential. I would always seek out tours which use this technology.
Todd Roadarmel
Sep 2024
Be mindful of the dress code when visiting St. Peter's Basilica. They do have scarves/wraps available for those who need it.
robert barton
Sep 2024
Try to get Carl as a guide. His degree in art/history provide such valuable information and it is obvious he is known and respected by Vatican staff
J'enna Ashby
Sep 2024
Definitely do the visit with a guide, there's so much info that we learned throughout the day. Fabrizio was fantastic.
Simithra Arachchige Don R U Gunawardena
Sep 2024
It's best get there early the better as you get the whole day and if you wanted to do the gardens and the dome
Marc Sanders
Sep 2024
Be prepared for lots of people. It's a zoo. Bring a portable fan, it gets hot. Bathrooms are hard to find.
Rachel New
Sep 2024
The meeting place at Headout offices are a little away from the Vatican Don't sit to have lunch before your tour - eating in Italy is a leisurely experience and we waited ages for our meal then had to run to get to the group
Eileen Yunxiao Ma
Sep 2024
Allow plenty of time. I took the bus there, and it was 20 minutes walk from the bus stop to the meeting point.
Julie Canavan
Sep 2024
Get you tour at the beginning of the day if you can and book weeks ahead. Or, take a tour for the end of the day and plan to attend Mass at a chapel in St. Peters! Walking shoes that are super airy and supportive as there is alot of shuffling, stairs, and standing; bring several one euros for toilets in gift shops
Imogen Perez
Sep 2024
the pic of location meet isnt that clear and the address wasnt 100% accurate. do arrive early as suggested as there were some road closures and it took us a little bit of extra time to find the Maya Tours location. Allow time to explore St Peters and encourage you to go up the Dome - the views are incrediable
Brian Saylor
Sep 2024
Going early in the morning is perfect, crowds not too bad. Went on a Wednesday and didn't get into St Peter's at that time because Pope had an audience, but went later, bonus, got to see the Pope.
Edward Clement Harry Woodmore
Sep 2024
Our commute from Termini Roma was diabolical as we hadn't planned carefully, didn't have the use of WiFi and spent ages queuing for Metro tickets because we couldn't access the information given by Headout on our phone. Useful tips, have a tourist map of Rome , access to WiFi , pre plan carefully and have travel plans and tickets sorted beforehand
Alexander Naumovich Zaretsky
Sep 2024
Please arrive to the meeting place earlyer that meeting time. Also be sure that Vatican Museums will be closed at 5pm. So try to chose your start time about 1pm.
Karen schainberg geronymo
Sep 2024
The directions were excellent to find the meeting point, the guides were knowledgeable and helpful, and they helped us navigate the very large crowds
Frank J. Romano
Sep 2024
The meeting place wasn't easy to find! Most people want the Sistine Chapel, I would start with that!
Steven Warner
Sep 2024
Book a guided tour to avoid any stress on the day, learn from the expert guide in depth knowledge, skip the waiting time in lines, see the most important things
Paula Little
Sep 2024
Despite Vatican guidance to the contrary, small bags are permitted, water is essential and it will still be a bit of a crush to try and stay with your guide.
Sep 2024
Do not book 2 different attractions in one day. Because some tours in Rome move the tour schedule because of ticket issues last minute and won't give refund.( anyway its their karma)
James Lanzetta
Sep 2024
Book early, be on time, be patient because the Vatican museums and Sistine Chapel are narrow and crowded
Consuelo Ortiz
Sep 2024
The tickets were very expensive. We booked tickets with the intent of entering the basilica in case our own Trafalgar tour was unable to due to time restrictions by waiting in lines.. As it turns out, we were able to enter the day prior to this guided tour with Trafalgar. The waiting line is not bad at all. We then used these tickets for Vatican museum entry only because the tour lasted more than the 3 hours advertised and we were pressed for time. As a result, we did not make it back to the basics with this guided tour. Too expensive!
Melissa Ann Maruff
Sep 2024
Be prepared for walking and standing for long periods. There is also so many people and this is a bit difficult to get good photos. So much to look at so allow the time to do this.
Athula Abeyratne
Sep 2024
If you can find a place closer to the Metro line A, then you can easily get to the Vatican City by Metro.
Tanja Bosnjak
Sep 2024
- Arrive on time - Check inside before meeting with your guide - Bring a snack and water as there isn't options to purchase when indoors/on the tour - Rest well the night before because you will be in for a good time and you'll need the energy (especially with Deborah - best tour guide I've had by far)
Janine Lorna Foulkes-Williams
Sep 2024
Even though the tour is said to include St Peter's Basilica, if the Pope is there you don't get this part of the visit. It is written in the small print
Leanne Maria Gardner
Sep 2024
Book tours Check the weather Have your phone fully charged Take unplanned turns onto small passages, you never know what you could find
Sep 2024
Don't drink water from the fountains. My husband did and got sick. Be punctual. Enjoy every aspect and respect
Katherine Hendry
Sep 2024
Plan ahead and book a tour before you go on holiday to get best price and availability. Definitely book a skip the line tour otherwise you will wait for hours to get into the basilica.
Lawrence Hamberg
Sep 2024
Our tour left the office 40 minutes late. Be prepared for extremely large crowds inside the Vatican Museum. Paulina our guide was excellent and very knowledgeable about the history of the art work.
Sep 2024
1. Good to reach 30minutes prior to scheduled time, rather than being sorry. 2. Carry small bag with water bottle. 3. Audio provided was superb.
Catherine Maggio Howley
Sep 2024
I'd say an earlier time spot or regulating the amount that g people through at once needs to happen. Our tour guide was knowledgeable but the tour was not enjoyable with that many people
Aiesha Morrison
Sep 2024
Make sure to use the app first to purchase your tickets. Plan to get to your meeting spot or destination at least 30 minutes before. So leave early! When we were in Rome we encountered a city bus transit strike. Found out 24 hours in advance and a kind front desk person at the coliseum hotel gave us detailed walking instructions to Vatican city. Even though you may not encounter the same situation, just give yourself enough time for minor delays.
Rachel O'Connell
Sep 2024
Have plenty of water. Bring own headphone for double ear plugs to block out all other noise. Be prepared to stay on the move
Jason Mutch
Sep 2024
Research top art pieces ahead of time because you move through so many pieces fast you might miss great and important works
Julie Burggraf
Sep 2024
Arrive early. Be prepared for crowds and to see more than you thought. We loved our tour guide she was amazing and connected with everyone in the group including my 19 year old daughter. Wonderful!
Joanne Maria Page
Sep 2024
Make sure you're well hydrated and full on energy and don't need the loo as it's non stop for 2.5 hours
Melissa Berry
Sep 2024
We went early and had been told by others. This was the quiet time however, this was not true. There were tons of people there all in tours. This did make it very difficult to keep up with our group. It was very Noisy making it hard to hear the guide over the earphones.
Linda Di Betta
Sep 2024
Our guide was Cinzia...she showed us everything without any long drawn out communications. She was amazing and the best tour guide we had in all of Surope.
Sava Ioana-Corina
Sep 2024
I have nothing to add here. It's very easy. You go to the Maya Tours office 15 mins before the start of your tour and they will take you from there.
Maday Rafuls
Sep 2024
Make sure they bring a picture ID. It was stated but still someone from our group did not have one. Bring comfortable shoes Enjoy
Renae Gapes
Sep 2024
Research the place that you are visiting extensively leading up to your visit. Establish the attractions that you are keen to visit and book your accommodation within close proximity., ie walking distance Be well prepared, ie. maintain fitness levels Have the necessary equipment required for your visit, ie. waterbottle and hat if hot
Sep 2024
You should have a good rest before you make the tour:) Visit the vatican museum website to decide which parts you should spend more time. The Sistina Shapel was so crowded; so do not expect more although you think you will feel awesome there; but St.Peter's basilica was worthy of the tour.
Jure Krnic
Sep 2024
We booked this because we wanted guided tour of Vatican museum and both basilica's, but guid did not enter in St.Petar with us, so it was little disappointing.
Paul Chesek
Sep 2024
You will get an earpiece at the Vatican so will better be able to hear your guide as they talk and detail the many things you will be seeing.
Joseph Godfried Leonard Selen
Sep 2024
1. Determine in advance what it is you wish to see, and what you are willing to skip. 2. Make sure you check if there are special rules for the places you visit. 3. Arrive in advance of the agreed time; this allows for any last-minute issues to be addressed.
Sohail Ahmad Khan
Sep 2024
Always book a tour. Read the guidance instructions carefully. Be punctual. Carry light stuff along . Freshen up before embarking on the tour. Do carry selfie stick as others don't have time to take your pics.
Dimitre Sariev
Sep 2024
You don't have to think twice just go for the guided tour you going to have a lot of fun and you can ask all kind of questions
David Bowers
Sep 2024
Bring water and stay with the guide. We had trouble understanding her but she could get in front of many.
Lilian Wyngaards
Sep 2024
We walked from our hotel. Make sure you download your tickets and have them readily available. You have to go through security first, bags need to be removed.
Tracy Arruda
Sep 2024
If you need a restroom advise your guide early on. We waited on other guests who didn't tell her until we entered the chapel
Horváth Hanna
Sep 2024
Wear clothes that cover your shoulders, or take a lighter scarf with you, otherwise there might be a possibility that you cant go inside the Chapel or Basilica.
Claudia Ann Filiatrault-Dort
Sep 2024
1. Give yourself plenty of time to get to the meeting place for your tour. Be prepared for any unexpected delays. 2. Make sure there is good communication between you & the tour company. ( if changes in the times etc.). 3. Purchase your tickets prior to your trip.
Kevin Smith
Sep 2024
Make sure that the guide has asked if the hearing technology is working satisfactorily. Ours didn't and everyone had scratchy sound. One of our group checked with others and the poor sound was the same for all. When guide was told this as we were just entering she got new devices that worked reasonably well. Guide needed a strong voice to be heard properly
Deborah Saunders
Sep 2024
Always book well in advance to avoid disappointment. Guided tours are well worth the money as you are given so much information by a very experienced guide.
Petroșan Ana-Adina
Sep 2024
I planed only one visit per day, in the morning...because it's too hot in the afternoon (in the summer) and after lunch we would rest to regain strenght for the evening walk trough the streets of Rome.
Delvael Vanessa
Sep 2024
Be on time to avoid any late stress so if you take public transportation like a bus in a big known city take them on time; there is always the possibility of traffic. Read the instructions provided by the company and the guide; they are useful!
Alison Mearns
Sep 2024
Also book a skip the line experience - the cues in the hot sun to the Vatican and St Peters is ridiculous
Lynn Howes
Sep 2024
Wear comfortable shoes. Make sure you note the moving on instructions - especially before the chapel.
Debbie Johnson
Sep 2024
1. Arrive 1/2 early to take into consideration getting lost. 2. Never lose sight of the tour guide. 3. Book tour at least 2-days in advance to lock in your preferred date and time slot.
Suzanne Marie Saxton
Sep 2024
We took a taxi he dropped us off right down the street from the cafe meeting point. It was 3 minute walk and easy to find the tour guide. Bring a water bottle.
Tessa Warmuth
Sep 2024
Find the meeting spot early and enjoy some breakfast from the restaurants close by the meeting point to be on time. Food nearby was great! One of the best tours we've been on so far! Soooo much great information and our tour guide was hilarious and relatable. Couldn't be happier.
Dana Smith
Sep 2024
Arrive in Vatican City early. It's crazy there. Eat prior to arrival. Dress cool enough to handle the heat while still covering shoulders, knees, chest and back. It's hot inside! Practice patience as there is a lot going on and many people.
Blanca Teresa Camacho Chiquin
Sep 2024
Book in advance. Read the cancellation and refund terms and conditions as after a certain time there are no refunds. Be there on time.
Gillian Coleman
Sep 2024
Definitely book a tour. You miss all the queuing and have a lot more fun and it's so informative. Decide if you want to do the St Peter's done tour before paying for it. You have to pay extra - not much - but there were I think 550 steps or 300 if you paid for the elevator part way.
Jarrod McCarroll
Sep 2024
Request Celina. She worked at the Vatican for 2 years and is full of insight. She's a pleasure to spend the time with. Go to the bathroom before you enter. It's a 2.5 hour commitment once inside.
Lindsay Alston
Sep 2024
It is a long tour, and it was still quite hot at the end of August! Bring water, a personal fan, and good shoes.
Wayne Bowie
Sep 2024
Book days early, very few bathrooms, woman must bring clothing to cover shoulders and knees to enter the Vatican. Expect to walk long distances.
Marcel Manzano
Aug 2024
Plan in advance, I do recommend this company, but if you buy in advance, the tickets will be cheaper. They get more expensive the less lead time is provided.
Nicole Look
Aug 2024
Any place you want to see it is best if you stay close to them. I was in walking distance and no more than 30 minutes from everything like the Vatican, Colosseum, Trevi fountain and Pantheon if these are the places you want to visit.
Indie Saunders
Aug 2024
1. read all information available to you, ours was texted via WhatsApp 2. communicate with your tour guide whenever possible, we found Silvia to be very helpful 3. order a taxi in advance if needed as it can be extremely busy around the entrance
Cassidy DeVrieze
Aug 2024
Be prepared to walk, book with a tour that has a smaller group, return to the location if there is ore you want to see that your tour didn't cover, it's worth it!
David Sibbald
Aug 2024
It's hot in August. Bring water, hat at least til you get inside. My phone overheated and wouldn't take pictures for a while. Plan to want to come back early the next day to spend more time in museum and gardens. Check The Pope's schedule to see if you can get reservation free for audience.
Guy Salter
Aug 2024
If you are thinking of visiting the Vatican, it's worth booking via a registered tour guide so you are guaranteed entry into your chosen places. Lots of street vendors appear to offer tickets but are just criminals working in groups to scam people. Always have valid photo ID with you to pass security checks similar to airports when entering historic buildings. It's okay to wear shorts & tee shirts into these places even though the dress code stated with tour guides says otherwise. Temperatures during the summer months make for thirsty work getting around so being comfortable matters
Gerard McCarthy
Aug 2024
Book a skip the line tour. Take a hop on hop off bus as u will be tired after your visit DO NOT sit down for coffee in cafe Vaticano. Bring plenty of water during summer months.
Devina Parhar
Aug 2024
If you are visiting in August I recommend you bring some sort of battery powered fan as it gets very hot and the tour is 3 hours long.
Christopher Howell
Aug 2024
Make sure you bring lots to drink and maybe a fan, as there is no air conditioning in most parts of the museum.
Isabelle Zammit
Aug 2024
I highly recommend this tour. We were only 10 people. We could see that the other tours were way bigger groups.
Line Lindgreen Eriksen
Aug 2024
Bring comfortable shoes. Bring a scarf to cover your shoulders in the church. Remember to buy a bus ticket before entering the bus to the Vatican.
David Marabello
Aug 2024
Be sure to get dropped off on the correct side of the vatican. We walked at least 10 minutes from the taxi's drop off point. Be sure to mention the address of the restuarant.
Jessica Janet
Dec 2024
after you finish with vatican city, you can go to castel st angelo and have dinner around teraserve area
Carlen McGoldrick
Dec 2024
We saw the Vatican Museum, Saint Peter's Basilica, and the Sistine Chapel, and still had enough time to visit the pantheon and Trevi fountain in the same day. Had we waited in those long lines at the bat again we wouldn't have been able to do anything else .
Jessica Janet
Dec 2024
after you finish with vatican city, you can go to castel st angelo and have dinner around teraserve area
Carlen McGoldrick
Dec 2024
We saw the Vatican Museum, Saint Peter's Basilica, and the Sistine Chapel, and still had enough time to visit the pantheon and Trevi fountain in the same day. Had we waited in those long lines at the bat again we wouldn't have been able to do anything else .
Shona Margaret Goldsbury
Nov 2024
We went to Museo Leonardo da Vinci, close by. Would have done Castel Sant'Angelo too but day we chose it was closed. Did Travestere areaa in pm with Janiculum Hill for sunset.
Melanie Hanlon
Nov 2024
After some lunch, at a restaurant recomended by Eliza, I went to Castel Sant'Angelo in the afternoon by myself for an audio tour after the Vatican Museums, Basilica and Sistine Chapel tour.
Gian Carlo Musmanni
Nov 2024
We did a short walk to the "Wedding Cake" building and had lunch in Trastevere, which is 20 mins away from the Collosseum
Nov 2024
Breakfast at the cafe where we met. Although very busy, lines moved smoothly. Last stop was St. Peters Basillica. After tour being led we were allowed to go on our own.
Helen Ho
Nov 2024
I went to La Tradizione to buy some cheese then walk back through Via Cola di Rienzo. Did some local shopping on Via del Corso.
Christopher Cole
Nov 2024
Vatican museum, Sistene Chapel, St Peters Basilica, Castel San Angelo, Ara Pacis, Mausoleum Augustus, Spanish Steps
Oct 2024
Don't expect any useful information or help from the idiotic chat app, you might as well just grab a random stranger off the road and ask them. Useless.
David Steffen
Oct 2024
Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, & St Peter's Basilica The Aventine Keyhole Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano
Kimberly Susan Alexander
Oct 2024
We also did a colosseum & palatine hill tour on the same day. It was a lot of information to take in in one day, and a lot of walking (we tallied 23000 steps!).
Rosalinda V Cruz
Oct 2024
We visited the sistene chapel, the vatican and the grounds. Including extensive knowledge of the history of the vatican.
Evelyn Murphy
Oct 2024
Not much else, as we devoted our day to getting there and back to our accommodation. We had lunch in Borgo Pio near the Vatican and we had a lovely dinner in RomAntica on Via Emanuelle later that night.
Robert Woods
Oct 2024
The tour included the Colosseum, Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum. Do all three the history and ruins are staggering.
Melinda Blakley
Oct 2024
We walked out of the palace area , over to the city . We walked to the Spanish steps had gelato. And enjoyed the beautiful day.
Jaroslaw Gruszecki
Oct 2024
Rest of the day we spent on walking on the city, visiting fountain and having good food. Visiting Vatican Museum and Basilica was main point, which in our point of view was best option. The next day we planned to visit Coloseum, so one attraction per day is for us good way to go.
Mr Peter Mark Roberts
Oct 2024
The metro system in Rome is easy to figure out if you can read maps to take you to interesting places. If you are lucky to stay at a hotel that provides information about tourism in the area. Don't hesitate to ask the staff.. we visted a few places after the Vatican tour
Karen Marino
Oct 2024
We did the St. Peter's and Basilicca tour. Our guide Claudia was the best! So knowledgeable about the history and art, it was such an educational and enriching experience! In the Sistine Chapel she found us a quiet corner where we stayed for about 15 minutes to absorb the beauty. Any time we asked a question, she always had a thoughtful answer.
Mark Schambra
Oct 2024
We slept late and had a delicious breakfast at our hotel. Then we had a delicious dinner after our tour. Perfect first day of our trip to Rome!
Maureen Campbell
Oct 2024
We covered the Roman Forum and then went onto the Pantheon, but had not booked this and too big a queue.
Simone Terp Eriksen
Oct 2024
We slept in and after we ate good italian food and took a break. Later on we saw easy sights in the city center
Krista Vane-Tempest Stewart
Oct 2024
After our tour with Stefanie finished inside St Peter's we queued and went up the dome. Afterwards we walked across to the Jewish quarter which had lots of interesting lanes and places to eat.
Bonnie Cole
Sep 2024
We visited all three attractions and then spent time in Saint peters Square having lunch, which was very nice.
Todd Roadarmel
Sep 2024
We did this tour the day we landed in Rome. Our hotel was a 15 minute walk from the Vatican. We did lunch then headed to meet the tour guide. When the tour ended, we were able to see the changing of the Swiss guard outside St. Peter's. We then walked to find Piazza Navona and the Pantheon and found a place for dinner.
Julie Canavan
Sep 2024
The Pantheon, the Trivi fountain, the circus maximus and a nice lunch then the tour in afternoon (2:30)
Alexander Naumovich Zaretsky
Sep 2024
Our tour gude Erturk (sorry if i misspeled his name) was very professional, we got very interesting information about Vatican Museums and their artefacts. Also he gave us extra information and good recommendations how to visit St Peter Cathedral.
Nilanjan Biswas
Sep 2024
After the Colosseum trip we explored teh other places ... Colosseum, Palatine Hill & Roman Forum - actually needs 4-5 hrs
Sep 2024
Explore colosseum on our own because our tour in colosseum was moved in an earlier time because of ticket issues and won't give any refund.
Tanja Bosnjak
Sep 2024
Went for a meal and then an afternoon siesta, and ended up exploring the streets for the rest of the evening such as the travestiere area and went for gelatos in the late evening.
Katherine Hendry
Sep 2024
We walked to the colosseum which took about 45 minutes but was an easy flat walk and got to see Rome city as well.
Sep 2024
Apart from Covering the guided Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica we covered the Pantheon on our own, which was outstanding. Please download Rick Steves audio for ease of understanding Pantheon
Catherine Maggio Howley
Sep 2024
We toured the Colosseum and Forum later in the day, but the 10am tour and f Vatican started a little late, and finishe much later than expected as a result of the crowds.
Aiesha Morrison
Sep 2024
We saw various other monuments outside of Vatican on our walk to meet a tour guide. Luciana was our tour guide for the day, she did an amazing job of commentating everything step we took the sistine's chapel, Vatican Museum,and basilica. Her altitude for effortless recall of facts was astounding. This was the best experience I had ever had on a guided tour.
Jania Hulse
Sep 2024
Nothing did not want to see anything if involved queue it takes a while to find due to size of area around Vatican
Geraldine Conroy
Sep 2024
We didn't do too much else as the tour was quite long, but most enjoyable, we went to Morrissons bar for vino and food after the 45minute walk home.
Melissa Berry
Sep 2024
We walked around and visited other points of interest and ate lunch and dinner. Many Options in this area to eat.
Renae Gapes
Sep 2024
I don't like to pack in too much on one day so we spent 4-5 hours at Vatican City for the first half of the day. The rest of the day was spent wandering the City of Rome, browsing and dining
Mark Luff
Sep 2024
Walked around Rome just stopping in places as we came across them. Great trip and saw lots of beautiful places and things.
Tiana Pillay
Sep 2024
Claudia was our tour guide and she was really great! She was very friendly and answered all our questions.
Paul Chesek
Sep 2024
This was a 3 hour tour that ended in St Peters Basilica around 5pm. We spent the rest of the time in St Peters until closing around 7p...
Dimitre Sariev
Sep 2024
After the tour we went to see the Spanish Steps which was also amazing scenery of course gelato and very nice dinner and secluded restaurant
Jane Yoxall
Sep 2024
Following the visit the tour guide gave us a really good tip for a restaurant where we went for lunch. The food and service were outstanding.
Lilian Wyngaards
Sep 2024
We only did the Vatican , Sistine Chapel and St Peters Basilica. It is such a beautiful monument and takes time to appreciate and absorb it.
Julie L Cilenti
Sep 2024
After the Vatican, we walked into the old part of Rome after lunch and walked to the pantheon and the Trevi fountain. Then we took a taxi back to the.
Craig Alan Fellows
Sep 2024
Day 1 - Vatican tour and sistine chapel. Followed by Castel Sant'Angelo queue skip. Day 2 - saw the Trevi fountain, Pantheon and Piazza Navona on the way to our Colosseum and Palatine hills tour before chilling at the pool at our resort.
Horváth Hanna
Sep 2024
We visited Piazza Popolo, took a walk around Castel Sant Angelo and visited the Trastevere district.
Rachel Tennant
Sep 2024
We grabbed lunch at Mariuccia after, visited the Pantheon (didn't feel we needed a tour for that), took a little break, then saw The Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain
Suzanne Marie Saxton
Sep 2024
We went to the Pantheon before the Vatican. Took a taxi from the Pantheon. Very easy, there are taxis right by the Pantheon
Judith Boten Rabin
Sep 2024
We went to the Jewish ghetto and took a tour of the Jewish Museum and the Great Synagogue. It was a very ecumenical day.
Gillian Coleman
Sep 2024
We bought , write and posted cards from the Vatican and ate at a cafe before leaving to browse shops on our way back
Jonathan Tate
Sep 2024
Hop on hop off bus ... a waste of money our worst purchase in rome Palatine hill excellent an a walk around the coliseum amazing
Andrew Allan Cupit
Sep 2024
St Peters and the Vatican museum tours take nearly all day of you do them properly plus have lunch between tours in the Vatican area. Plenty of choices nearby.
Joshna Gopal-Patel
Sep 2024
The various parts of the Colosseum was visited with the history and culture being described.There are lots of other buildings such as churches, ruins, garden, palaces entrance arches. Marble columns of different colours brought back from different parts of the world.A very interesting tour and definitely worth having a tour guide.
Marcel Manzano
Aug 2024
Outside of this guided tour, which was amazing, we walked the Spanish Steps area after getting on the Hop On/Off bus
Aug 2024
We arrived at 11 am from our cruise, checked in to our hotel across from the Colosseum and toured the Colosseum, time to shower and have a quick snack then off by taxi to The Vatican City to tour the museum and the Sistine Chapel. Taxied back to the hotel for a nice dinner then got ready for our early am trip to the airport. It was a rushed day but we managed to get in the two most important sites that everyone wanted to see. My suggestion would be to spend two days if you have the extra time after a cruise. Ricardo our tour guide was so passionate about giving us all of the history. You could tell just how much he loves doing what he does. Thank you so much for sharing your passion! Molto bene, Grazie! Ciao.
Indie Saunders
Aug 2024
We accomplished the 2 1/2 hour tour easily, at 2pm to avoid the peak heat hours, as well as a self-guided explore of the Basilica, a few hours downtime in our hotel, and a 3 hour meal/drink in the evening. We opted for a more relaxing day.
Cassidy DeVrieze
Aug 2024
We also went to castel st angelo and enjoyed the views there, we walked across the bridge and saw the staues, we climbed the dome at st.peters
Isabelle Zammit
Aug 2024
Marco is very knowledgeable and answered all our questions. I highly recommend this tour. We were impressed by the information he gave us. My husband wished to visit the collection about the cars but unfortunately it was not included in the tour. My 11 and 9 year old enjoyed the tour too.
Ofer Yosi Barsilai Vituli
Nov 2024
The excprince was really graet. The tour guide was very intresting and full of knoledge. The onky dwonside was the crwod at thw vatican museum. It whould have been better to start there before all the people arrive.
Jeff Parr
Nov 2024
Our guide was awesome. However, it was not obvious how to connect with the right guide group in the instructions.
Ofer Yosi Barsilai Vituli
Nov 2024
The excprince was really graet. The tour guide was very intresting and full of knoledge. The onky dwonside was the crwod at thw vatican museum. It whould have been better to start there before all the people arrive.
Jeff Parr
Nov 2024
Our guide was awesome. However, it was not obvious how to connect with the right guide group in the instructions.
Kwala-ah Runsfiercely
Oct 2024
The directions for meet up were clear and the QR code was provided upon purchase, the guide was very knowledgeable and had a great attitude!! Earlier was better too!
Oct 2024
The place was very crowded but nevertheless, it was a unique, enlightening, informative experience. Martha our tourguide was amazing.
Mark Molinari
Oct 2024
Maria our guide was wonderful! So knowledgeable, interesting & friendly!! Many thanks for a great tour experience & duomo climb!
Steven M Champa
Oct 2024
We had a 7:15 tour and was informative, interesting and detailed. The entry was a little slower than expected. I would recommend this tour.
Andrea Louise Reid
Oct 2024
None of it was too bad at all with the guided entry. There were slight waits through security but nothing major.
Robert Woods
Oct 2024
The queue for the guided tours was reasonably short compaired to the other queues. It did take possibly 20 mins but that included 3 different security checks.
Andrea Louise Reid
Oct 2024
None of it was too bad at all with the guided entry. There were slight waits through security but nothing major.
Robert Woods
Oct 2024
The queue for the guided tours was reasonably short compaired to the other queues. It did take possibly 20 mins but that included 3 different security checks.
Jaroslaw Gruszecki
Oct 2024
The entry was very well organized. We did not waited on the queue much. It was in fact faster than guided tour booked directly from the Museum, which I visited 6 months ago and met guide inside. One more convenience it was a shortcut from Museum to the Gasilica, we saved much time.
Mr Peter Mark Roberts
Oct 2024
Considering how busy and warm it was that day we were all not waiting long in queues or entering and we were all given a picture of the beautiful art on the Sistine chapel during the tour! Nice touch!
Oct 2024
By doing the tour and being able to go through the Vatican museum, directly to the Sistine Chapel and then into St Peter Basilica we most certainly saved about 4 hours of queue.
Maren Toomsalu
Oct 2024
It still took almost 30 minutes to get in with all the other tours on the same time slot but it was understandable.
Farm Moua
Oct 2024
We saved tons of time. We waited maybe 20 mins. Well worth the money to get a tour. Especially this one because you don't even have to wait for St. Peter's Bascilia. The line can be ridiculous long. This truly is the best option if you don't wanna waste uour time and energy waiting in line.
Angela Sue Maloney
Oct 2024
The queue on the day we went was about 45 minutes and with the skip the line tickets we got through in 5.
Lawrence John Humphries
Oct 2024
The ticket allowed us quick access along with the tour guide and the queues for security were not long. The back door entrance to the Sistine Chaple was excellent as was the Tour Guide entrance to the Basilica all of which saved much walking and queueing.
Katherine Rose
Oct 2024
With the guide? Never longer than a few minutes. Didn't pay attention to the other lines as we went in-seemed like there were various lines, wasn't sure which was for what. So glad to have a guide. By the time our tour was over, the line was hundreds of people long.
Allan Apsouris
Oct 2024
Purchased the tickets on line a month ago, waiting to into the Museum was about 20 mins, not to bad at all.
Tam Kwai Fan Irene
Oct 2024
The queues were long even though we were there early (8am), which reconfirm my decision to join a guided tour.
Nickolas P Silvestri
Sep 2024
Lines with our guide were very manageable and well worth the price of admission. To see the Basilica would have required a 3-hour wait but with our guided pass, we entered without any wait at all.
Bonnie Cole
Sep 2024
We believe we save lots of time. The tour guide was able to get us right in! We are very happy with our choice! Eugene with Crown Tours was an absolute amazing tour guide!
J'enna Ashby
Sep 2024
No queue to meet our tour guy, but to get into the Vatican itself, quite a bit of a queue but we went through it fairly quickly.
Julie Canavan
Sep 2024
The timing is what was expected: 2:30-5:30 and time to wander St Peters inside and gift shop outside
Karen schainberg geronymo
Sep 2024
We did not have to wait, which was another reason why we purchased the tour. It went very very quick.
Paula Little
Sep 2024
The queue was shorter than standard and quick moving. The whole entry process only took about 7 mins.
James Lanzetta
Sep 2024
Hours upon hours. One thing the tour operator should do...*** upgrade the audio system. Compared to other operators the sets were small and not clear which made it difficult at times to hear the guide
Consuelo Ortiz
Sep 2024
The initial line into the Vatican museums was a little longer than expected. As it turned out, I was unable to visit the basilica (which was the main reason for obtaining this guided tour) because the tour lasted longer than expected.
Raffaella Owens
Sep 2024
The queues were very long. Buying the tickets online and buying the tour tickets saved us hours of waiting in lines and allowed us to skip some lines.
Katherine Hendry
Sep 2024
We didn't have to wait very long at all which was good as the queues without tour were extremely long.
Lawrence Hamberg
Sep 2024
The queues were a bit long because the Vatican Museum is so very crowded. However, it was extremely faster than waiting for a ticket.
Catherine Maggio Howley
Sep 2024
We moved in relatively quickly, but once we were in the museums it was very slow to move through and there were far too many people trying to see the same things at the same time.
Aiesha Morrison
Sep 2024
There wasn't really a wait at all. If we stood in a line it would have taken us at least an hour to get in to buy tickets in person.
Geraldine Conroy
Sep 2024
The queues were very long at the Sisteen Chapel, so it was great we could go straight through. No waiting around. Also the Colosseum had queues, but again we were fast tracked.
Julie Burggraf
Sep 2024
The wait time wasn't bad. The instructions told us to arrive earlier then needed and our guide apologized for that but it was fine. She was so caring and considerate.
Joanne Maria Page
Sep 2024
We didn't have to wait . We followed in the wake of our VIP guide who obviously knew all the right people and places
Renae Gapes
Sep 2024
The queues were very long eventhough it was quite early in the morning. It probably would have taken us a further hour or more to get in if we were not on the tour.
Mark Luff
Sep 2024
Hardly had to queue anywhere with the tour we had, which gave us easy access to Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica
Tiana Pillay
Sep 2024
5-10 minute wait maximum. But our tour guide would chat the whole time which made it really entertaining to wait. She was amazing.
Paul Chesek
Sep 2024
Long but we sailed right past them w our special guide and tour lines! We never waited more than 10 minutes anywhere and regular lines were clearly hours!
Elizabeth Hanson
Sep 2024
We walked right up maybe waited five minutes To 10 minutes in the line. This was probably ultimately a savings of an hour I would think. Maybe an hour and a half was totally worth it.
Ezequiel Medeiros
Sep 2024
Very little wait on the guided tour. The queue for those that did not have the skip the line were huge
Julie L Cilenti
Sep 2024
We started at 8:30 and got into the Vatican about nine so the lines weren't too bad. It's very crowded in the Sistine Chapel, but we expected that and we were able to stay in there and not be moved along so that was good.
Claudia Ann Filiatrault-Dort
Sep 2024
We were very lucky & hardly had to wait at all. Maybe 5mins. We had an afternoon tour. Purchasing our tickets online was the best. Skip the line tickets is the way to go
Delvael Vanessa
Sep 2024
There has been a lot of people and the lines wete long bit as the guide told us it went very smoothly and quiet quickly.
Judith Boten Rabin
Sep 2024
The line did look pretty long compared to ours who just walked right If I had to guess, we saved at least 30-45 minutes.
Tessa Warmuth
Sep 2024
Very short, we were in and out of line within a couple minutes per que. with the amount of other tourists it seemed like a breeze!
Blanca Teresa Camacho Chiquin
Sep 2024
It was expedite. I cannot even think about queuing up in the sun for hours. It was the best investment.
Andrew Allan Cupit
Sep 2024
Not long for both tours. First was early in the morning before the queues developed and the second one was a fast skip the queue ticket.
Joshna Gopal-Patel
Sep 2024
We got in within 10 minutes with security checks and passport checks. It would probably have taken 1 hour or so otherwise
Wayne Bowie
Sep 2024
Arrived 15 minutes before 11:10AM ticket time. No issues. Samantha was on time, professional and very helpful.
Catriona Anne Bridson
Aug 2024
Maybe 20 mins wait thankfully as the general queue was so long probably would have been 2 hour wait.
Indie Saunders
Aug 2024
The wait for the initial gate was maybe 10 minutes maximum, very little after that, it was hugely worth it to book a skip-the-line ticket as we spent minimal time in the hot sun.
Cassidy DeVrieze
Aug 2024
We saved tons of time being able to skip the lines to go into the vatican and taking the tour guide only shortcut to st. peters basilica
David Sibbald
Aug 2024
At 4:30, the lines weren't long to get into museum. Chapel was fairly busy, but no line. The guide took us through a shortcut to see grotto and St Peter's Bassilica.
Donald Jay Walth
Aug 2024
Wee were taken right in with the tour. She was really good and we learned a lot. It was well workth the guide.
Daniela Stefanescu
Aug 2024
It was a long queue but we had tickets and we passed quit easily thanks to the fact that we had thikets in advance and an experienced guide
Fabricio Javier Lopez Barreyro
Dec 2024
It was awesome, the tickets worked perfectly. The colosseum is spectacular and the forum was a very immersive experience totally worth it
Liam Forde
Dec 2024
Everything , just to see what they Romans built 100s of years ago while most of the world was living in caves was truly amazing...
Fabricio Javier Lopez Barreyro
Dec 2024
It was awesome, the tickets worked perfectly. The colosseum is spectacular and the forum was a very immersive experience totally worth it
Liam Forde
Dec 2024
Everything , just to see what they Romans built 100s of years ago while most of the world was living in caves was truly amazing...
Jennifer Lyrisse Tabios
Nov 2024
It was nice however it is nothing like the gladiator movie. Toilets are just in the entrance with a long line.
Isabel Sargento
Nov 2024
The grandeur of such ancient architecture. I imagined what that place would be like with the people of that time and I also thought about what it would be like if one of those people could travel in time, to our days. What would he/she think...
deepak kumar maroo
Nov 2024
It was Marothon day in Rome and we took a whole round to entered into Colosseum. A note can be add with ticket is that Kids ticket (below 18 years) can be collect by showing valid proof from window# 10 inside colosseum after security check.
Kathryn Mohammed
Oct 2024
Was overwhelmed by the size of the colosseum I knew it was large obviously but to actually see the scale of it was immense.
Deborah Kelly
Oct 2024
All of it! It was amazing to see it and be able to walk inside and take it all in! Just amazing! Palatine Hill was just as amazing. I can highly recommend this ticket.
Daniela Slancova
Oct 2024
The visit was perfect as to the entrance and everything we could see and feel anyway, it started to rain and the rain was quite heavy despite of the fact we were completely wet the experience was unforgettable
Kathryn Mohammed
Oct 2024
Just a perfect day no long waits in queues plenty of time to see everything that we wanted to see a totally great experience
Calvin James Hammer
Oct 2024
The Colosseum was a quick visit around the structure, but the Roman Forum was an all day event! I liked the fact we could go the Forum the next day!
Glenda Savory
Oct 2024
It was an amazing experience to see so much history that has been preserved. Not too crowded. Clean washrooms.
Harkusha Maryna
Oct 2024
Colosseum so huge, I thought it much more smaller. It very intetesting place. Also entrance with the timed tickets quite quick and simple. It's crowded, however the queue gone quickly.
Edward Joseph Phillip Robinson Harvey
Oct 2024
How helpful the staff were especially when it came to helping my wife with a disability and the scale and history if the place incredible
David Huw Davies
Oct 2024
The scale and design of the Colosseum are impressive. Well worth seeing for the second time Excellent
Suzanne Gai McGee
Dec 2024
We went back to our accommodation area as it was my husband's birthday and had a lovely early dinner
Jennifer Lyrisse Tabios
Nov 2024
Yes! We had our dinner at Pasqualino Al Colosseo dal 1956- Trattoria Romana. Dinner was superb! Rabbit & seafood pasta
Suzanne Gai McGee
Dec 2024
We went back to our accommodation area as it was my husband's birthday and had a lovely early dinner
Jennifer Lyrisse Tabios
Nov 2024
Yes! We had our dinner at Pasqualino Al Colosseo dal 1956- Trattoria Romana. Dinner was superb! Rabbit & seafood pasta
Isabel Sargento
Nov 2024
Yes, I had lunch in Trastevere in Impicientta Ristorante - I recomend it, specially for carbonara, but all the dishes that I tried were very good and the staff were very attentive and friendly. I would like to do also a recomendation of another restaurant that I went to and that I repeated, as I really liked all the dishes that I tasted and also the service. It is Sampietrino - l'osteria di San Giovanni. Lastly, I can't help but mention the pizzeria 50 Kalò di Ciro Salvo. The pizzas are very good. The difficulty is to book a table. You need to go there, give your name to a list and wait at the door until they call you. It took me about half an hour to get in, but it was worth it.
Gábor Antal dr. Hetényi
Oct 2024
The Falo Bistrot was a delightful suprise with its authentic food and nice and helpful staff. It is by the Circus Maximus, not far from the Colosseum.
Edward Joseph Phillip Robinson Harvey
Oct 2024
Recommend going to the eateries near the ruins of the gladiator school as they are reasonably priced and great selection
Maria Elena
Nov 2024
Give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the meeting point -getting there can be complicated. When we arrived, the group was not at the address stated as the meeting point (a cafe) but across the street, some meters into an open space. If you see people gathered near the meeting point, ask if they are your group.
Isabel Sargento
Nov 2024
I advise you to go in the morning and as early as possible. Always remember that you have to watch everything carfully, but with respect for other visitors. Finally, if you have the opportunity to read some information in advance, do so, because on site, although there are good explanations, it becomes difficult to read everything and absorb so much information.
Maria Elena
Nov 2024
Give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the meeting point -getting there can be complicated. When we arrived, the group was not at the address stated as the meeting point (a cafe) but across the street, some meters into an open space. If you see people gathered near the meeting point, ask if they are your group.
Isabel Sargento
Nov 2024
I advise you to go in the morning and as early as possible. Always remember that you have to watch everything carfully, but with respect for other visitors. Finally, if you have the opportunity to read some information in advance, do so, because on site, although there are good explanations, it becomes difficult to read everything and absorb so much information.
Gábor Antal dr. Hetényi
Oct 2024
Get your tickets in time, maybe not at the Colosseum, but rather in the other entry (Roman Forum entry). Keep in mind, that you have to get the free tickets for the children in advance too (different booth, only for the free tickets), so you'll have to wait in 2 queues. The 2nd floor of the Colosseum is often too crowded and a bit chaotic...
Oct 2024
The forum has several entrances, a long row at one entrance, no row at the other. It is worth to walk around.
Calvin James Hammer
Oct 2024
Be careful of pick-pockets. They prey on the weak and elderly. Keep your items well concealed. Don't be afraid to start later in the day. You are on vacation. Book your events for noon...that still gives you several hours. Use your credit cards. The exchange banks charge a 20 percent commission. Location, location, location. Book a hotel in the center or next to your favorite place to visit.
Edward Joseph Phillip Robinson Harvey
Oct 2024
Pre book and turn up on time Wear comfortable footwear Allow for plenty if time to enjoy going around
Dec 2024
Νο queues at alla at 4+30 for vatican musem. But there was a small que for the entrance in Snt Peter's Cathedral
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
Because we had pre-purchased our tickets. The queue wasn't very long however being the first time to the Vatican and having our tickets sent to us digitally on our iPhones, it was difficult to read all the information and we ended up in the wrong Q line.. We tried to enter through the number one entry point and we were redirected back to the number three entry point when we were glad that the line was not too long because that was a quick correction. Your guides at the beginning of the line were very clear in regards to pre-purchase or non-pre-purchase ticket lines and that made us go, especially past hundreds of people who had not yet purchased their tickets.
Dec 2024
Νο queues at alla at 4+30 for vatican musem. But there was a small que for the entrance in Snt Peter's Cathedral
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
Because we had pre-purchased our tickets. The queue wasn't very long however being the first time to the Vatican and having our tickets sent to us digitally on our iPhones, it was difficult to read all the information and we ended up in the wrong Q line.. We tried to enter through the number one entry point and we were redirected back to the number three entry point when we were glad that the line was not too long because that was a quick correction. Your guides at the beginning of the line were very clear in regards to pre-purchase or non-pre-purchase ticket lines and that made us go, especially past hundreds of people who had not yet purchased their tickets.
Dec 2024
We were visiting in November in the low tourist season. With the timed entry tickets, we did not wait at all.
Molly Wenger
Dec 2024
Things seemed to move pretty fast. Thought I didn't know where to go once I entered I quickly figured it out
Derya Akbulut
Nov 2024
Gitmeden bilet alın yoksa çok sıra beklersiniz. Biletinizden 30 dk önce orada olursanız oluşturulacak sıranın önlerşnde olup hızlı girersiniz. Bilet olsa bile toplu içeri alıyorlar yani aslında yine bi sıra oluyor.
Peter Byrne
Nov 2024
Although we arrived as indicated at 4.15, we had to wait in a separate queue until the actual admission time of 4.30
Trevor John Smallwood
Nov 2024
We got there 30 minutes early and were near the front of the queue. I'm not sure how long full queues were as they disappeareda around a bend, but they didn't look to be anything like 2 hours as we had reported.
Nov 2024
The help of the host essential. No delays, skipping the queue. Ushering directly to the museum, rapidly, smoothly.
Jason Stavely
Nov 2024
The queue was no more than about 10 minutes, which was unbelievable considering the number of people there.
Mark Perry
Oct 2024
Well you pay 55 Euros not to wait in the queue only to wait in another queue! Seems a little oxymoronic!
kevin wynn
Oct 2024
Disgusting.. no organisation outside .. people were pushing in . Times were not being adhered too :. Got moved 3 times into various queues.. ended up in among Japanese students ...
Oct 2024
I was late for the tour due to public transportation at Rome. But fortunately, The Crown team helped me a lot during my entrance into Vatican. They were very kind and helpful. They made my Vatican trip effortless. And I had great 3 hours in the best museom of the world.
Alice Bourke
Oct 2024
We waited in line for about 15 minutes before getting to security. Much quicker than turning up with no ticket. We went at 8am and there were still large crowds waiting.
Gordon Allan
Oct 2024
As I had booked in advance queuing was not an issue but for those who had not booked I guess they were waiting an hour to get in
Lindsay Huard
Oct 2024
Had to purchase tickets online, almost didn't get in, which was surprising. Queues, we had to wait 15 minutes or so.
Neacsu Marius Adrian
Oct 2024
The queues were huge, starting from entrance to Vatican and then through all the rooms and corridors. The overall experience was heavily affected because of the crowd.
Oct 2024
We already had tickets. I bought them online few days before we leave for Rome. So, we didn't wait at the entrance of museum.
Eugene Malcolm Wilson
Oct 2024
Didn't have to wait long. Had Skip to the line tickets ��. We also rented Audio Guides. Audio Guides were really nice.
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
We were in the Vatican Museum for about 3 1/2 hours, including the Sistine Chapel. We stayed as long as our bodies would allow us to and we found the experience to be quite eventful. Made us realize that we Or just a link in the chain of life and that and really made us understand the depth of faith and religion that has existed for thousands of years.
Anamaria Anton
Dec 2024
I visited the museum at the end of November and it was crowded, I think in the warm season it is even more crowded.
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
We were in the Vatican Museum for about 3 1/2 hours, including the Sistine Chapel. We stayed as long as our bodies would allow us to and we found the experience to be quite eventful. Made us realize that we Or just a link in the chain of life and that and really made us understand the depth of faith and religion that has existed for thousands of years.
Anamaria Anton
Dec 2024
I visited the museum at the end of November and it was crowded, I think in the warm season it is even more crowded.
Hilda Ostby
Nov 2024
We spent about an hour and a half, but realized we could spend days exploring! People just need to know how long they can be there.
Trevor John Smallwood
Nov 2024
We spent about 2 hours at the Vatican. We didn't line up to see the Pope. Our start time was 1:00pm, we we could plan an easy walk to and from the Vatican museum. Basically it is a file through visit so there are not many alternate options. Probably the main one was whether to take the fastrack to the Sistine Chapel or not. We didn't and we still had plenty of time to see it. We possibly would have missed a lot if we had shorttracked it.
Marilee Kaduk
Nov 2024
5.5 hours to visit. Take a taxi from down the street not the taxis right out the door are double the price.
Nov 2024
Plan for at least two and half hours nonstop. Don't miss the papal vehicles at the end of the visit.
Hoskuldur Frimannsson
Nov 2024
Each part of the museums was a whole museum all by itself. I would like to have the option to visit only one part one day and then visit another part another day. I am certain that I would be able to take more in and understand better what is being presented.
Ian Haig Spanton
Nov 2024
Visited in October at 2pm on a Wednesday and were in there for almost 4 hours. You don't have much choice about where you go as you follow the visit route but you can miss out rooms or go through them swiftly. Take the time in the chapel to wait for a seat on the side benches and do both sides for the best views. It saves your neck as well as you can lean your head back while you gaze upwards
Gábor Antal dr. Hetényi
Oct 2024
If you have time, you could spend a whole day in the museum, half day, if you want to see and explore the main attractions, and 2-3 hours, if you only want to see the "must-see" ones...
Andreea Baciu
Oct 2024
Three hours and a half we spent inside.We didn't spend so much time outside, we ate outside only .For those who realy like to see everything maybe 5 hours will do.Bring water and bring your own headphones if you don't want to pay for the whole set in Vatican.We payed 8 euro per person only for the phone.Is ok like that also..Is not suitable for Kinderwagen.There are some steps.
Remus Tudor Socianu
Oct 2024
We spend around 2 hours. I advise to buy tickets in the morning, 10 am so you have all the time to explore all the museums.
John Miller
Oct 2024
We spent 2 hours there... You could spend a good half day possible longer. Depends how much detail you like.
Ghazaleh Sadat Hashemi fesharaki
Oct 2024
I think it takes around 4-5 hours, and it could take even longer if you want to see everything in more detail.
Alice Bourke
Oct 2024
We spent 2.5 hours. I would suggest going early as there is lots of walking, and almost no opportunities to sit and have a break.
Gordon Allan
Oct 2024
I was in the museums for over 3 hours. If I was going back I would focus on maybe 3 or 4 hours rather than try and get to every room.
Oct 2024
We spent one day at the Vatican. At 12:30 we had our reservation for the Vatican Museums. We stayed inside more than 3.30 hours. After we went at the Saint-Pierre Basilic and we left a 6.00 pm.
Ester malka
Dec 2024
You can buy any ticket in the location almost try to use local transportation. The bus are working really good and cheap taxes are expensive and anyhow, you want to say most of the location in the same area.
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
Number one Buy your tickets ahead of time Number two take a taxi to the museum and Sistine Chapel as it's a long walk from the Anand off bus. Number three your tickets even though they're very small on the digital format so you understand where you're going to and what line you need to get into and make sure to wear comfortable shoes and don't be surprised if people cut in front of you and are disrespectful inside the museum because some people do so because they're so fascinated with the museum and others do so because they feel Privileged .
Ester malka
Dec 2024
You can buy any ticket in the location almost try to use local transportation. The bus are working really good and cheap taxes are expensive and anyhow, you want to say most of the location in the same area.
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
Number one Buy your tickets ahead of time Number two take a taxi to the museum and Sistine Chapel as it's a long walk from the Anand off bus. Number three your tickets even though they're very small on the digital format so you understand where you're going to and what line you need to get into and make sure to wear comfortable shoes and don't be surprised if people cut in front of you and are disrespectful inside the museum because some people do so because they're so fascinated with the museum and others do so because they feel Privileged .
Anamaria Anton
Dec 2024
Take comfortable shoes, Rome is a walking city, it's well worth it. Buy tickets online and you won't stand in line. Take a water bottle, refill it at the taps in town.
Derya Akbulut
Nov 2024
Turistik konumlar arası yürünebiliyor. Etrafı izleyerek yürürüm derseniz toplu taşımaya ihtiyaç bile yok. Oturup bi şeyler yemek için ara sokakları turistik noktadan uzakları seçin çok daha uygun.
Trevor John Smallwood
Nov 2024
1. Plan to walk. its great exercise and you will stumble across worthwhile places to visit 2. Plan your toilet stops and have the necessary coins. 3. Go a different way each time. 4. Food is very much the same everywhere. Don't accept invitations by the spruikers before checking the menu and the reviews. 5. We had no problem with pickpockets and little from husslers. We did come across a pile of discarded wallets and purses, some with id cards scattered around so have a strategy to keep your phone and wallet safe. We both use small one shoulder carry packs that could be worn easily on the front or side. I also had a thin wallet tied to my belt and kept in a front trouser pocket. 6. Don't shake anyone's had or high five them. (I suggest practise avoiding it because it can be natural to shake an offered hand.) 6. Get to your location early and ask staff for confirmation of location, entrances and times. It is easy to go to the wrong place.
Nov 2024
Metro transport quick and convenient though much crowd that calls for attention to avoid bad encounters aboard the train.
Michael Tittensor
Nov 2024
1. We stayed in the Tmark hotel which is literally across the road from the entrance. Clean rooms, smart staff, rooftop bar. 2. Take advantage of the cafe in the VM. The seats are not comfortable but you get to stay hydrated. 3. Try to plan what you want to see. Oddly, the guidebooks appear to be sold only at the exit (which seems an oddly Italian thing).
Lorraine hardy
Nov 2024
Allow 2-3 hours for the Vatican alone - and going as late as possible means the crowds are starting to thin out
Ian Haig Spanton
Nov 2024
Give yourself time to find an eatery away from the attraction. Buy skip the queue tickets - they're worth it Expect to do a lot of walking
Gábor Antal dr. Hetényi
Oct 2024
Be there at the office in time, they will escort/guide you to the museum and through the entry/gates/securuty check. If you have any problems with walking and using the steps, ask for help and use the elavators instead.
Andreea Baciu
Oct 2024
We walked from our hotel to Vatican like 17 min. The best way to see the city. Morning hours are better for visiting Vatican. Inside Sixtine Chapel is not allowed to take pictures and it requires a decend dress code because is considered a sacred place. There are 3 stores with souvenirs.
John Miller
Oct 2024
St Peters Basilica opens at 7am, get there before 8 to avoid big big queues which takes 75mins if like us you get there 9:30 on a Saturday
Marta Cmrlec
Oct 2024
Book tickets in advance on the official page. Even though this was convenient and simple, the headout tickets are rather pricey and we could've spent much less if we pland a month in advance
Ghazaleh Sadat Hashemi fesharaki
Oct 2024
Buy your ticket online with skip-the-line access, and avoid buying mineral water at the Vatican—it’s really expensive.
Alice Bourke
Oct 2024
Didn't realise that the audio guide wasn't included and we needed to pay extra. They were worthwhile - particularly in the costume chapel so I would recommend getting them. The kids maps wasn't very clear so was difficult to always work out where their audio aligned. Lots of areas to see before the cistine chapel and that's almost the only place that you can sit. We ended up rushing through some rooms as there was simply too much to see and we got fatigued.
Gordon Allan
Oct 2024
My hotel was near Termini Railway station so I used the metro to get to the Vatican. It is very cheap and quick.
Oct 2024
To avoid the queues take your tickets before you arrive in Rome. On the afternoon, the queues are less important for the Saint-Pierre Basilic. We only waited 25 min at 5.00 pm.
Dominick John Ranieri
Oct 2024
If you need a wheelchair get it prior to tour and go to Greentours near the north old City wall. They were very helpful and accomadating to get me a chair to that location within 20 mins of requesting it.
Eugene Malcolm Wilson
Oct 2024
https://www.google.com/ac Hotel Gregoriana was a great place to stay Room was nice , front Desk Service Great, Breakfast was 10 Plus. Breakfast Team was Excellent. Really was impressed We used �� �� Taxis. Safe Had multiple things booked through Viator and Gel Your Guide.
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
That morning, we saw the Colosseum and spent three hours there prior to getting to the Vatican museum and Sistine Chapel. We found that to be very interesting unfortunately, the experienced a very rude host who felt the need to let us know that we were visitors in his country and that we should behave our self accordingly. We were told to walk around railings until we saw the people checking tickets and then to enter at that point. We did so then we saw two people scanning tickets rather than walk an extra hundred yards to the end of the railing. We clicked and opened a door on the railing and stepped back into line, not cutting off anyone and started walking back towards the people, checking tickets and at that point, somebody very aggressively approached us and chastised us significantly for entering an extra hundred yards to the end of the line, even though there was nobody in line.. I had significant damage to both knees and it's very difficult for me to walk long distances so any opportunity I can't to cut the steps down I do because it results in me being able to go longer during the day. I sincerely apologize to the gentleman, but he felt the need to make sure I knew that, visiting Rome and being in his city was a privilege and that I should not abuse that privilege . I think most people in the world and we would never do anything to be rude or take advantage of others by cutting in line.
Dec 2024
Next time, I would visit the Sistine Chapel first and then Vatican City. There is so much to see near the Sistine Chapel. Many parts of the museum.
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
That morning, we saw the Colosseum and spent three hours there prior to getting to the Vatican museum and Sistine Chapel. We found that to be very interesting unfortunately, the experienced a very rude host who felt the need to let us know that we were visitors in his country and that we should behave our self accordingly. We were told to walk around railings until we saw the people checking tickets and then to enter at that point. We did so then we saw two people scanning tickets rather than walk an extra hundred yards to the end of the railing. We clicked and opened a door on the railing and stepped back into line, not cutting off anyone and started walking back towards the people, checking tickets and at that point, somebody very aggressively approached us and chastised us significantly for entering an extra hundred yards to the end of the line, even though there was nobody in line.. I had significant damage to both knees and it's very difficult for me to walk long distances so any opportunity I can't to cut the steps down I do because it results in me being able to go longer during the day. I sincerely apologize to the gentleman, but he felt the need to make sure I knew that, visiting Rome and being in his city was a privilege and that I should not abuse that privilege . I think most people in the world and we would never do anything to be rude or take advantage of others by cutting in line.
Dec 2024
Next time, I would visit the Sistine Chapel first and then Vatican City. There is so much to see near the Sistine Chapel. Many parts of the museum.
Anamaria Anton
Dec 2024
It was a day full of activities: We visited the castle of San Angelo, the Vatican, we walked in Piazza Navona and on the way to the accommodation we stopped at the Coloseum, where in the evening there was a fascinating light show.
Derya Akbulut
Nov 2024
Roma merkeze inmek biraz yorucu olabilir. Müze çıkışı trastevere tarafına girip 1 gün boyunca oralarda dolaşmak daha mantıklı.
Trevor John Smallwood
Nov 2024
We called into every church we came across and there was usually one or two every walk. We walked along the Tiber river on the day we went to the Vatican. On other days in Rome we did the Colesseum, Roman Forum, Palantine Hill, Imperial Forum, Italian Memorial, walked the Appian Way and came across a large 2nd century Roman Wall with free museum. We were walking to St Sebastians's Catacombs. Also a recommended viisit. We came across a number of lesser monuments, needles, columns and arches including those of Constantine the Great, Marcus Aurelius, Hadrian. Also Acquaduct of Claudius, the Circus Maxmimus, the Parthenon . To me the highlightes were the Colesseum, Roman Walls, Catacombs and the various churches, many with 16th c and earlier artwork
Ian Haig Spanton
Nov 2024
St Peter's Square and the Basilica. We went into the Basilica at 6pm as the queues earlier in the day were horrendous - several hours long. If you go later you get in very quickly and don't have to wait.
Marta Cmrlec
Oct 2024
We just went for a walk around Vatican, as the museums are huge I recommend not doing much more exploring in the same day
Eugene Malcolm Wilson
Oct 2024
We toured Caracalla Bath and Circus Maximus. Those were awesome. We went to the Colosseum, but didn't go inside. We toured Palatine Hill and Roman Forum on our own without a tour guide.
Kirsten Tølbøll
Dec 2024
Nej det gjorde vi ikke. Vi købte en sandwich ved den vogn, der stod lige udenfor mens vi ventede på at det blev vores tur, da vi kom i god tid. Det var fint.
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
We actually ate at the restaurant that was in the courtyard of the museum and we found the food to be very good and the service was excellent. We were very surprised and it gave us an opportunity to sit down and rest.
Kirsten Tølbøll
Dec 2024
Nej det gjorde vi ikke. Vi købte en sandwich ved den vogn, der stod lige udenfor mens vi ventede på at det blev vores tur, da vi kom i god tid. Det var fint.
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
We actually ate at the restaurant that was in the courtyard of the museum and we found the food to be very good and the service was excellent. We were very surprised and it gave us an opportunity to sit down and rest.
Peter Byrne
Nov 2024
We are afterwards at La Lupa restaurant near Termini station as we found that it was the restaurant with the best food on our trip
Trevor John Smallwood
Nov 2024
We didn't eat near the Vatican. Overall the food scene is very samish everywhere. It is definitely worth checking the reviews.
Ian Haig Spanton
Nov 2024
Because of time we grabbed a ciabatta sandwich in the cafe just along from the meeting point, which was as mistake as it cost us almost as much as some evening meals we had during our stay! Give yourself time to go one or two streets across so you don't get ripped off. £31 for two sandwiches and two soft drinks was an ouch moment but that was our fault really!
Gábor Antal dr. Hetényi
Oct 2024
We had had lunch in the Food Court of the Museum, it was veryy good and tasty (pastas, sandwiches, pastries).
John Miller
Oct 2024
Watch out there are a few cafes out to get you (€70+ for three coffees and 2 bits of cake) with hidden pricing, so be careful where you go. The cafes in the museum were really good and better prices than outside.
Joana Luisa Krupp
Oct 2024
I had lunch at Pastaciutta. It was fast to order and to get my food. I ate standing up in the sidewalk but it was something I was expecting.
Oct 2024
I went to Muse bar&restaurant after Vatican tour. The pizza (Bufalo e Pacino) served there was delicious.
Pavla Baumgartnerová
Oct 2024
I went to Clementina restaurant. It was great and not filled with tourists. Also the prices were fair. I had cacio e pepe, really good.
Oct 2024
We brunched in a little restaurant near the Vatican museums and ate an ice-cream. I don't remember their name.
Eugene Malcolm Wilson
Oct 2024
.y wife a door I liked Trapizzino | Trastevere 4.6 Great and economical. Meat ball choice and others were delicious ��. Wife found this on a food tour in Trastevere. Gelato was great everywhere.
Kirsten Tølbøll
Dec 2024
Fungerede fint med billetter på smartphone, og ingen kø ved indgang . Lidt masende ved security, men ellers ok. I museet var der fin plads men i det sixtinske kapel var der virkelig mange mennesker. Glad for, at vi ikke var her i højsæsonen.
Franchin Lius
Dec 2024
It has magnificent works of art. Buying tickets online is very convenient because it saved a lot of time to not have wait in line to enter the museum
Kirsten Tølbøll
Dec 2024
Fungerede fint med billetter på smartphone, og ingen kø ved indgang . Lidt masende ved security, men ellers ok. I museet var der fin plads men i det sixtinske kapel var der virkelig mange mennesker. Glad for, at vi ikke var her i højsæsonen.
Franchin Lius
Dec 2024
It has magnificent works of art. Buying tickets online is very convenient because it saved a lot of time to not have wait in line to enter the museum
Martina Vlckova Maratkova
Dec 2024
We spent over four hours in the museums, exploring everything from the Pinacoteca to the Sistine Chapel. However, we were most impressed by Raphael's School of Athens. We appreciated the smaller number of visitors.
Ester malka
Dec 2024
The place is impressive, but a bit smaller than I imagine. There was not too much crowd. The skip ticket was unnecessary in my eyes. Some of the places without light is making hard to read the information but overall experience is really impressive and important to do once you come to Rome.
Pierre Chassay
Dec 2024
La guide Valentina fut une guide intéressante et très bien informée Elle a fait de notre visite en français une très belle expérience
Dennisse Alejandra Muñoz Parada
Dec 2024
The host was very helpful for the arrival and the entry to the vatican. I found the package totally worth the price.
Dec 2024
We bought the tickets online a couple of weeks before our visit. We did not have any problems in entering the museum and the waiting in the queue was not much. The meuseum was wonderful!
Viktoria Aleksandrova Yoncheva
Dec 2024
Everything was amazing, the Sistine Chapel is an incredible work of art and the museum had so many interesting things to see. The only downside is the crowd, but it’s inevitable because Rome is a world-famous destination.
Suzanne Gai McGee
Dec 2024
It was very busy but we we were able to spend 3 hours wandering through the museum and finally the Sistene Chapel
Sofia kapetanaki
Dec 2024
καταπληκτιό μουσείο, μοναδικό!!! κρίμα ωστόσο που δεν διαθέτει στην ελληνική γλώσσα τα ηχογραφημένα αρχεία ξενάγησης παρόλο που καθημερινά οι έλληνες επισκέπτονται το μουσείο!!!
Ivan Ivanov
Dec 2024
Ot was crowded, despite the morning hours. The museums and the chapel are amazing places that have to be seen.
Donald Tobin
Dec 2024
We were amazed by all the ancient information in regards to the Aztecs and a mini interesting items from before Christ. All of the paintings tapestries and ceiling fresco's were amazing.
Bianca Codruta Pop Moldovan
Dec 2024
Everything was awesome, the guards were very helpful, nice��, they made my visit truly memorable, and I will want to come back.
giuliana zanini
Dec 2024
Orario e giornata perfetta per non trovare una coda eccessiva il sistema salta la coda ha funzionato è andato tutto bene
Liam Forde
Dec 2024
Just looking and seeing the history of the Catholic Church and the shear scale of everything was amazing....
Dec 2024
The timed entry worked out great. The Vatican City was nice but the Sistine Chapel was beautiful. So much to see!
Joy Curtis
Nov 2024
Visited the Vatican museums and the sistein Chapel. No queuing with these tickets, really good experience.
Ignacio E Comparan Rodriguez
Nov 2024
Our gide was extremely knowledgeable and very nice. We love that it wasn't as crowded as we heard it usually is. We wish that we didn't have to rush throughout the museum but totally understand that there is no enough time.
Derya Akbulut
Nov 2024
İnanılmaz yapılar var, kocamaaaannn. Bi süre sonra yoruluyor ama insan keşke arada bi yere çıkış yapsalarmış. Bir gününüzü ayırın bu geziye. Her yapıyı incelemek isterseniz inanılmaz uzun sürer.
Ramon Rodriguez Lopez
Nov 2024
It was a nice experience. However, the provided map was not the best. I saw the material provided by other agencies and they were better. In addition, they recieved extra information and tips. For instance, suggestions like visiting other exhibitions like the Vatican's car hall could be useful. I mean, a little more of interaction with the costumers will help a lot.
Eva Molcanova
Nov 2024
All, only problem that headout informed us that entry hours are until 8 pm but we were kicked off:) at 7 pm, which made us sad. Knowing this, we would prefere entry at earlier hour. Thanks
Michelle Morris
Nov 2024
All moved smoothly from queues to within the museum itself. Fascinating collection in such a beautiful building
Hilda Ostby
Nov 2024
We needed a little help with our tickets and everyone was very helpful! The museum itself is amazing! It was very crowded in the Sistine Chapel, but we were able to spend as much time as we wanted. Why are pictures forbidden in that area?
Emily LaPraim
Nov 2024
The art and history in the Vatican museum was well worth the visit! The crowds weren't as bad as I had expected.
Trevor John Smallwood
Nov 2024
We walked about 90 minutes from our hotel. Got there 30 minutes early and we at the front of the queue. The previous queue was long but nothing like the two hours I've been told to expect. We were there in November. Probably the most difficult part of the trip was finding publick toilets on the walk there and back. There was a steady pace of people but it wasn't overly crowded. Interal toilets had queues. There was plenty to see and plenty of time to see it.
Ginger Sumner
Nov 2024
I'm an artist, so visiting the impressive Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel was "a must!" It was a beautiful experience, and the Headout people were very helpful, friendly, and informative, about meeting location and time. I didn't have to wait in long lines. But be prepared to walk LONG distances, within the path of halls and galleries, with lots of other visitors, and without options to shorten your visit, if you become very tired. This was the Museum's method of "crowd control" and not Headout's.
Ann Firth
Nov 2024
Skip the line tickets guarantee entry at a specific time only. Museums have so many beautiful artefacts that it's quite overwhelming. Museums were very busy... can't imagine what it must be like in summer
Marilee Kaduk
Nov 2024
The artwork was amazing. A bit crowded. Two in our party are now sick. There needs to be seats to rest in the main hall. A few directional arrows would be nice.
Nov 2024
The exhibition in the museum is superb. Definitely worth visiting. Well arranged well organized. Not to miss. Essential once in Rome.
Sarah Pitchford
Nov 2024
Quite crowded probably would of been better if we went first thing in the morning. Great to see lots of paintings/art though.
Natalie Croft
Nov 2024
The visit was good but I would say the time that Headout suggestedb it should take to get round the Vatican was not nearly long enough. We didnt get to see everything and didnt make it to st peters
Hoskuldur Frimannsson
Nov 2024
Finally after 70 years I got to see the Masterpieces of the Sistine Chapel. I also loved seeing the different forms of art through the millenia. The most overwhelming part of the visit was the great crowd that filled the hallways and rooms of the museum.
Vivek Venugopal
Nov 2024
Guide was very good and explained many historical marking very well. Good cheerful energy from the guide.
Ulrich Westerfrölke
Nov 2024
the organisation was perfect. We scipped the line and there was nearly nothing to wait, standing in a row. But I can not recommend to visit the museum - on the way to the the sixtinische Kappelle (s. photo) we were treated to move on - avanti, avanti... not really the way to look at art. There are too many people who wants to see the exponates. If you just want to have been there, it´s ok - if you expect to get touched by the pieces of art, then you will be dissapointed
Rosa Raquel Cavazos
Nov 2024
Having my ticket early insured I didn't have to wait in line to get into the museums. Well worth the price.
samara velasco pineiro
Nov 2024
There was a lot of people to get it, but with the ticket with the exact time and the lines was very fast and smooth. The Vatican museum is so big that it can take more than 3 hours if you do it with audio guide
Jeffrey Karpen
Nov 2024
An experienced, knowledgable, and enthusiastic guide at a world-class site. What more could a person want?
Evelina Miloshova
Nov 2024
We loved the chance to see the whole collecfion of paintings and the Raphael frescoes in the apartments.
Gerrit Lubnow
Nov 2024
Treffpunkt war einfach zu finden und Schnelleinlass hat gut funktioniert. Haben im Museum noch Audioguide geliehen. Den Audioguide für Kinder (5 €) fanden wir empfehlenswert, war lebendig beschrieben, weckte Interesse an Kunst. Den Audioguide für Erwachsene (8 €) hingegen fanden wir wenig lebendig, war eher reine Wissensübermittlung. Für unseren 17-jährigen nicht anmutend. Konnten wir nachvollziehen. Kurz vor der Sixtinischen Kapelle gibt es noch die Möglichkeit in eine Cafeteria zu gehen. Das haben wir genutzt, da der Gang durch die Museen lange und eindrücklich war. Wir mussten mal unsere Füße ausruhen. Als wir nach ca. 5 Stunden wieder draußen waren, war es bereits dunkel. Wir hatten gar nicht bemerkt, wie viel Zeit wir in den Museen verbracht haben. Es gibt unheimlich viel zu sehen, letztlich läuft man nur mit dem Strom der Besucher mit. Es ist ein Ort, wo man mit Sicherheit viele Male hingehen kann, da es so viel Kunst zu bewundern gibt.
Gerrit Lubnow
Nov 2024
Treffpunkt war einfach zu finden. Wir wurden von einem Mann, mit recht zügigen Gang, zum Museumseingang geführt für einen Schnelleinlass. Wir waren mit unseren 3 Kindern in den Vatikanischen Museen und Sixtinische Kapelle (ohne Führung). Für die Kinder haben wir im Museum noch einen Kinder – Audioguide (5 €) ausgeliehen, der sehr schön und lebendig gesprochen wurde. Der Audioguide für Erwachsene (8 €) fanden wir hingegen nicht als empfehlenswert, recht monoton, trockene Wissensübermittlung. Die Beschreibung von Kunst könnte man so viel schöner, anmutender und lebendiger beschreiben. War für einen 17-jährigen nicht anmutend. Kunst könnte man wirklich schöner übermitteln! Zu beachten ist, dass man für die Museen viel Zeit einplanen sollte. Letztlich waren wir ca. 5 Stunden durchgegangen. Da waren wir selbst erstaunt, es gibt so viel zu sehen. letztlich läuft man ja mit dem Strom der Besucher mit und kann auch nicht abbiegen. Es sind letztlich verschiedenste Museen in einem ganzen Komplex. Riesig! Zwischenzeitlich mussten wir mal in der Cafeteria (es gibt eine kurz vor der Sixtinischen Kapelle) uns hinsetzen. War schon ganz schön anspruchsvoll für Augen und Füße. Aber auf alle Fälle sehenswert!
Jason Stavely
Nov 2024
It was simply extraordinary. What an amazing experience and so much to see in one of the most famous places in the world.
Per Juborg
Nov 2024
Great to be able to skip the lines. The museum itself was a bit too crowded for my taaste, but there's not much that can be done about that.
Ricardo Alfonso Vallejo Villada
Nov 2024
It was a good experience. Despite the number of people, entry was orderly. It is an experience for people in good health who enjoy walking.
Kiss Csilla
Nov 2024
Sajnos nekem kicsikét túl tömény volt! Gyönyörű szobrok, festmények, padlózat, plafon! Tömeg volt mindenhol, bármilyen időszakban mész,! A bejutás előre megvettem egyek ��köszönöm szépen!
Michael Tittensor
Nov 2024
This really worked exactly as described. The guide arrived promptly, explained everything clearly and then took us to the fast track queue and in we went. Perfect service. The Museums were delightful and we saw many wonders. It is probably heresy though when I say that I preferred the Raphael galleries to the Sistine chapel. Other wonderful places included the Animal Room and the map room.
Ian Haig Spanton
Nov 2024
The highlights of The Vatican museum visit were the Map Gallery and the Sistine Chapel. Both were jaw dropping and although it was shoulder to shoulder in the Chapel we managed to sit on the side benches and soak in the frescoes. The whole experience was awesome but wear comfy footwear as you put in a lot of steps! The only slight downside is the number of tour groups you have to negotiate and they often barge through but if you wait, you get moments where you can savour what you're seeing. Ticket collection from Headout was so straightforward once we found the meeting point, which is directly opposite the Museum entrance and it was definitely worth having a beat-the-queue ticket as we walked straight in avoiding a long queue and wait. All in all the best way to see popular sights was through Headout.
Kevin Paddick
Nov 2024
The overall day was good, just way to much walking befor getting to the sistine Chapel which for us was the real highlight of the day.
Jochen Reuter
Oct 2024
Hat alles wunderbar funktioniert. Die Tickets für Erwachsene kosten regulär 25 Euro - der Mehrpreis bei Headout ist dafür dass einen der Guide an der Warteschlange vorbei schleust. Insgesamt ein guter Deal wenn man 2 Stunden warten sparen möchte.
Gábor Antal dr. Hetényi
Oct 2024
The "Skip the line" is not just a slogan, with this, we could really skip the line/queue and enter the Vatican Museum without any waiting and inconvenience.
Andreea Baciu
Oct 2024
There is everything interesting. I can spend 3 days . An important piece of world history. While in Rome don't miss it.
Rozina Marku
Oct 2024
In general it was good. The fact that we had a ticket reserved, we had the opportunity to get it quickly physically and to be placed in the queue. we entered first with our schedule
Rima Rapševičienė
Oct 2024
I would suggest to add more information about registration when arriving to the meeting point (that we must checkin in buro ant to get sticker). We saw that other visitors were also not aware of that, one person went to ask in buro about the visit, got sticker than others did as this first person :)
John Miller
Oct 2024
Found the meeting point easily and checked in. 'Guide' took us into the museum and explained how everything worked, where to go, what to do and see. He checked us through the entrance avoiding the queues passed security and showed us the inner entrance where we scanned though a second time into the museum. As stated there is no guides tour. Just an really well executed lead through to the start. We were then left to our own devices to see what we wanted at our pace ( fast). Bit pricey compared to stadrd entrance fee but worth it to book early before travelling and guarantee entrance minimising queues. The Cysteine chapel was amazing. The rest of the museum was great if you like that kind of thing... Lots of amazing artworks (just not everyone's cup of tea.
Walter Egbert Diersche
Oct 2024
Ich kann mit Ihnen nicht kommunizieren, da ich nur deutsch verstehe und sprechen. Wenn Sie etwas von Ihren Kunden wollen, sollten Sie das beachten.
Julie Ann Barclay
Oct 2024
We followed the path we were told to and the crowds were significant in parts. If we go again we would plan to go at a less busy time. Great experience though and some amazing features. Some directions were confusing so we missed the Cafe but then when trying to get back we had passed through an exit and were told we couldn't get back to the Cafe which was a disappointment.
Marta Cmrlec
Oct 2024
I liked the museums, as well as the guys who were waiting for us to give us the purchased tickets and lead us inside the museums. Everything was very smooth and professional
Lisa Engels Arzate
Oct 2024
Company was very organized.. Tour guide was kind and prompt. Everything went well. We "Skipped the line" and i was glad that we had chosen that option. We went earlier in the day, and when we left, the lines were much much longer.
Ghazaleh Sadat Hashemi fesharaki
Oct 2024
I loved the museum, and the statues were really beautiful. It felt like I was living in that time, and everything seemed real—I could almost sense them. However, the visit was really long, and honestly, by the end, I couldn’t walk anymore and just wanted to sit. But it was worth it!
kevin wynn
Oct 2024
Amazing place really enjoyed the visit. Architecture unbelievable... downside was the Queues they were awful and disorganised outside .. so glad we used Headout .. but the staff at the Vatican didn't have a clue
Oct 2024
I was late for the tour due to public transportation at Rome. But fortunately, The Crown team helped me a lot during my entrance into Vatican. They were very kind and helpful. They made my Vatican trip effortless. And I had great 3 hours in the best museom of the world.
Lucie Doyle
Oct 2024
It's an amazing place. It'd have given a higher rating if the ticket lasted a couple of days. There isn't time to see all of it in one day.
Daniela Slancova
Oct 2024
Our visit was magnificent - moreover, we were late because of the traffic, anyway, people from the office were very helpful and polite, waited for us and gave us instructions many thanks
Cynthia Ann Viohl
Oct 2024
Ticket pick up was very easy. The crowds at the Vatican Museums were crazy and the large tour groups impeded our movement throughout. We are very happy that we paid extra for the skip the line option.
Alison Matsunaga
Oct 2024
Was easy getting tickets! Dario was super helpful and we were able to get our tickets easily. We enjoyed exploring the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel. 10/10 would recommend.
Gordon Allan
Oct 2024
The visit to the museum and Sistine Chapel was incredible. Eaxg part of the museum was a wonderous treat for the eye from the paitings to the painting ceilings not only in the Sistine chapel but in the other rooms as well. Crowds werent too bad though I would recommend booking in advance.
Lindsay Huard
Oct 2024
Though the crowds were overwhelming, the beauty and history was breath-taking. Hope to go back soon!
Pavla Baumgartnerová
Oct 2024
I saw almost every part of the museum and everthing was incredible. The crowds weren't too bad, very good thing was to have a ticket in advance.
Margaret M Orr
Oct 2024
The tickets got us to n pass the line. That was it. No map of the Vatican or chapel. The Vatican qr did not work so we were aimiously walking around.
Jessica Biltcliffe
Oct 2024
Glad to buy the skip the line ticket as the queues were long and it was very busy. Although the ticket stated hosted entry but actually it was just someone in the shop who told you which queue to join for entry. The museums were ok but it was great to see the Sistine Chapel
Christopher Gaskell
Oct 2024
Der Audioguide war wirklich gut, das Personal sehr freundlich, es gab viel zu sehen und zu erkunden.
Ronnie Stoyanov
Oct 2024
I liked the skip the libe option, the lady from the agency, which hosted us was very nice and smiling. The museum is well organized, and the map was clear, but the crowd in Sistine Chapel was very big and I did not like that the staff asked us to go very fast, so I did not have a minute to stop and enjoy the frescas.
Layla Mary Bools
Oct 2024
We had a great time, the queue moved quickly. Sometimes the impression of being "rushed" in certain areas . Long queues for the Basilica. Beautiful place, well worth the visit .
Oct 2024
You kept your promiss and I have really skipper the line. I could see those areas and masterpieces which I'm interested for on my own pace.
Gerli Koppel
Oct 2024
It was more crowded than we ever expected. But we liked at the beginning our guide who got us through the streets and crowds and was with good sense of humour. Until the chappel the crowd was crazy and slow, lot of groups stucking the way. Some idiots filmed their whole way to the chappel! Just walk and admire! After the chappel we finally started to enjoy the rest of museum as well. I think they should organize it a bit differently. Fast track to the chappel and then the rest. Otherwise you miss most of the museum as the madding crowd just pisses you off :-D
Máténé Kálóczi Ágnes
Oct 2024
Felemelő érzés volt bent lenni. Sajnálom hogy a tömeg sodort bennünket, nem tudtam igazán elmélyülni a látványba. Ennek ellenére felejthetetlen élmény ez nekünk. Az meg hogy soron kívül bejutottunk, az mindennél többet ért, hisz így több időnk volt Róma felfedezésére.
Samantha Stirling
Oct 2024
Absolutely loved our tour guide Francesca! She was knowledgeable and pointed out small details that you would never know if you did the tour alone. Being in the same place that historic figures were in was simply breathtaking. What we did not like was the initial starting point. We were told to meet at a location (nearby cafe). The meetup guide was late. They took one group in and then we never saw them. They then came back to get the rest of the group. As contractors, their job was to get everyone together for the tour guide.
Oct 2024
It was my frist Time in Vatican and I loved this. The Vatican museums is awesome, full of history. Vatican collection is amazing. It's one of the most beautiful museums in Europe, if you are in Rome you must do this.
Harkusha Maryna
Oct 2024
I recomend to visit Vatican Museums and Capella, so many beatiful paintings, sculptures, works of art from different cultures, a beautiful garden, papamobiles. We were impressed.
Tatyana Stoyanova Popvasileva
Oct 2024
We went through all the museums easily because there weren't so many people since we booked our visit at 8:00 a.m. The only disappointment was we weren't let to St. Peter's cathedral straight after the Sistine chapel and we had to go out of the Vatican and then to head to the Cathedral. Unfortunately there was a huge queue so we quited.
Eugene Malcolm Wilson
Oct 2024
Sistene Chapel and All the Art work. Can't show off my photos. My cell phone was Stolen on a Public Bus in Rome near the Colosseum. September 10 or 11th
Natalia Ovchynnikova
Oct 2024
The service was good. Katya ( the guide) was helpful, patient and nice. In the Vatican itself there were too many people, like always I guess. Be prepared to walk a lot( have comfortable shoes) and be carried by the flow of tourists like a boat in the ocean. Prices in the inside cafe are moderated so if you are hungry you can afford something to eat and drink.
Jason Stavely
Oct 2024
The whole experience was stunning. The museums are incredible and the Sistine Chapel did not disappoint
Oct 2024
Crowds were horrendous and we kept getting mixed up with the tours. But to make your own way round the museum was a good choice
Carlos Horacio Zambrano Cedeño
Oct 2024
The sistine chapel is the end through a long walk in the vatican museum. Theres plenty of art objects from many epochs. The checkout process for the tickets was excellent, the guide was very helpful and friendly and guided us at the museum entrance (only there). Great experience if you want to skip the line, albeit the cost.
Wendy Stackpole
Oct 2024
Overwhelming to see so many precious artefacts in the museums... and the Sistine Chapel was awe-inspiring. I was glad of the hosted entry as the queue for tickets was a sea of humanity and I would have found it confusing on my own.
Charles miles
Oct 2024
You're a service was easy to use location was close to Vatican and very simple. It was great to skip the lines. Except for the little one we had to go in way better than the long one in the heat out front!
SaraRose Kresloff
Oct 2024
Obviously an incredible place to visit but it was just soooo crowded it made it hard to enjoy all of the surroundings
manuel de jesus mendes
Oct 2024
Everything was good organize4d with the tickets and the entry without waiting. The meeting point location was excellent near the mainentraces
Hilda Roa
Oct 2024
The Vatican museum was wonderful, filled with so many historic pieces and stunning rooms to look at. It was a feast for the eyes! My only disappointment was how unorganized the process was to get in. Only 2 staff members directing people on to the correct lines to stand on, no signs, very confusing!
Scegli: biglietti Salta la Coda
Durata: flessibile
Accesso alla Cappella Sistina: sì
Guida: no
Tour consigliati
Scegli: biglietti combinati
Durata: tra le 5 e le 5 ore e mezza
Accesso alla Cappella Sistina: sì
Guida: guida professionista del posto
Tour consigliati
Scegli: biglietti Salta la Coda, biglietti combinati
Durata: flessibile
Accesso alla Cappella Sistina: sì
Guida: no
Tour consigliati
Scopri altre attrazioni
Scegli: visite guidate
Durata: da 2 ore e mezza a 5 ore e mezza
Accesso alla Cappella Sistina: sì
Guida: guida professionista del posto
Tour consigliati
Per un'esperienza più intima:
Le persone di età compresa tra i 18 e i 25 anni usufruiscono di biglietti a prezzo ridotto.
La maggior parte dei biglietti per i Musei Vaticani può essere annullata 24-72 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza. Tuttavia, alcuni non possono essere cancellati o riprogrammati. Controlla i dettagli del tuo biglietto al momento della prenotazione.
Un complesso di musei d'arte e storici situato all'interno di Città del Vaticano, istituito da Papa Giulio II all'inizio del XVI secolo. I Musei Vaticani ospitano un'immensa collezione di arte e manufatti accumulati dalla Chiesa Cattolica Romana nel corso dei secoli.
Accesso incluso: sì
Prenota i biglietti per i Musei VaticaniCommissionata da Papa Sisto IV e consacrata nel 1483, la Cappella Sistina è rinomata per le sue opere d'arte rinascimentale, in particolare per il soffitto dipinto da Michelangelo tra il 1508 e il 1512 che raffigura scene del Libro della Genesi, tra cui la famosa Creazione di Adamo.
Accesso incluso: sì
Prenota i biglietti per la Cappella SistinaUno dei luoghi più significativi e venerati della cristianità, la Basilica di San Pietro sorge nel luogo in cui secondo la tradizione Pietro, l'apostolo considerato il primo Papa, fu crocifisso e sepolto. La Basilica fu consacrata nel 1626, in sostituzione di una chiesa precedente che sorgeva sullo stesso sito.
Accesso incluso: l'ingresso è gratuito, ma le visite guidate e l'accesso alla cupola richiedono biglietti separati.
Prenota i biglietti per la Basilica di San PietroResidenza ufficiale del Papa, il Palazzo Apostolico è un complesso di edifici che comprende i Musei Vaticani e la Cappella Sistina.
Accesso: sì, le sale visitabili del Palazzo Apostolico sono incluse nel tour dei Musei Vaticani.
Scopri il Palazzo ApostolicoGiardini e spazi verdi meravigliosamente curati che coprono circa la metà dei 44 ettari di Città del Vaticano. Realizzati in epoca rinascimentale e barocca, i giardini sono progettati con un mix di stili tradizionali italiani, francesi e inglesi e presentano una varietà di fontane, sculture e grotte immerse in prati rigogliosi, aiuole e sentieri alberati.
Accesso incluso: dovrai prenotare i biglietti che includono specificamente l'ingresso ai Giardini Vaticani.
Prenota i biglietti per i Giardini VaticaniIl Palazzo Apostolico, noto anche come Palazzo Papale, è la residenza ufficiale del Papa, il leader della Chiesa Cattolica Romana. È quindi un simbolo del papato e della Chiesa Cattolica e funge da sede di molte cerimonie ufficiali, riunioni e decisioni relative al governo della Chiesa.
Accesso incluso: non tutti i biglietti per il Vaticano includono l'accesso alla Necropoli Vaticana, per la quale occorrono biglietti specifici.
Visita la Necropoli VaticanaLe Grotte Vaticane sono una serie di cappelle e tombe dei papi sotterranee situate sotto la Basilica di San Pietro. Qui riposano molti papi e altre figure significative della Chiesa Cattolica.
Accesso incluso: puoi programmare la visita alle Grotte Vaticane durante la tua visita alla Basilica di San Pietro, dovrai recarti nei piani inferiori.
Prenota i biglietti per le Grotte VaticaneDa lunedì a giovedì: dalle 9:00 alle 18:00
Venerdì: dalle 9:00 alle 22:30
Sabato: dalle 9:00 alle 20:00
Ultima domenica del mese: dalle 9:00 alle 14:00
Ultimo ingresso: 2 ore prima della chiusura
Giorni di chiusura: la domenica (tranne l'ultima domenica di ogni mese), 1° e 6 gennaio, 11 febbraio, 10 aprile, 1° maggio, 29 giugno, 15 e 16 agosto, 1° novembre, 8, 25, 26 e 31 dicembre.
Momento migliore per visitare i Musei Vaticani: il periodo ideale per visitare i Musei Vaticani è quello che va da novembre a marzo, grazie alla minore affluenza di pubblico. Tuttavia, l'alta stagione, che vede il maggior numero di turisti, va da aprile a settembre.
Consulta gli orari dettagliati dei Musei VaticaniIndirizzo: Città del Vaticano, 00120
Ci sono due ingressi principali per arrivare ai Musei Vaticani con facilità:
Il Vaticano ha un codice di abbigliamento piuttosto rigido, trattandosi di uno Stato religioso. In parole povere, se non rispetti il dress code, rischi di non essere ammesso all'interno. Gli abiti sopra le ginocchia, come pantaloncini, gonne e vestiti, sono vietati, così come tatuaggi ritenuti offensivi.
Festeggiare il Natale in Vaticano è un'esperienza magica. Il piccolo Stato viene illuminato da bellissime luci, un albero di Natale e un presepe. È importante ricordare che i Musei Vaticani e la Cappella Sistina sono chiusi il 25 e il 26 dicembre.
La Messa
La messa nella Basilica di San Pietro, che si tiene il 24 dicembre alle 21:30, è una delle funzioni più popolari al mondo. Per prenotare i biglietti per l'udienza papale, devi compilare un modulo e inviarlo via fax al numero +39 06 698 85863 con almeno 2 mesi di anticipo. Riceverai una lettera di conferma, che però non è un biglietto. Dovrai recarti all'Ufficio Prefettura 4-5 giorni prima della messa, dalle 8 alle 18, per ricevere il biglietto.
Costruito in cemento e pietra, è il più grande anfiteatro mai costruito. Fu commissionato dall'imperatore Vespasiano nel 70-72 d.C. e completato nell'80 d.C..
Prenota i biglietti per il ColosseoVilla Barberini è un'antica villa immersa in giardini rigogliosi che risale al XVII secolo, famosa per la bellezza delle sue strutture architettoniche.
Visita Villa BarberiniLa storica residenza estiva del Papa, situata a Castel Gandolfo, fu costruita nel 1596 e ospita numerosi manufatti storici risalenti al suo passato utilizzo come ritiro papale. Anche i giardini del palazzo, pieni di sculture e fontane, sono aperti ai turisti.
Visita il Palazzo Apostolico di Castel GandolfoIl prezzo di partenza dei biglietti per i Musei Vaticani è di 29 €. Questo prezzo include l'accesso Salta la Coda ai Musei Vaticani e alla Cappella Sistina. I prezzi se decidi di prenotare servizi aggiuntivi come visite guidate e accesso ad aree speciali.
Puoi acquistare i biglietti per i Musei Vaticani online o sul posto. L'acquisto online ti permette di evitare di fare la fila in biglietteria. Alcune esperienze comprendono i biglietti per la Basilica di San Pietro.
Prenotare i biglietti per i Musei Vaticani online offre diversi vantaggi.
- Eviti di fare la fila in biglietteria. I Musei Vaticani sono un'importante attrazione turistica e le file possono essere lunghe, soprattutto durante i periodi di punta. Acquistando i biglietti in anticipo e online, potrai risparmiare tempo prezioso che potrai dedicare ad altre attrazioni di Roma.
- L'ingresso è garantito. Soprattutto durante l'alta stagione i biglietti si esauriscono in un battibaleno. Se invece prenoti online, riceverai subito i biglietti in formato digitale.
- Puoi scegliere tra tante opzioni. Hai l'imbarazzo della scelta! Sono disponibili visite guidate, tour serali e anche tour combinati per visitare altre attrazioni di Roma.
- Puoi usufruire di sconti e offerte. Le prenotazioni online spesso prevedono sconti speciali e offerte che generalmente non sono disponibili in biglietteria.
- Il servizio clienti è sempre a tua disposizione. Usufruisci di un servizio clienti attivo 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, via telefono, e-mail o chat.
Un biglietto standard per i Musei Vaticani include l'accesso con Salta la Coda ai Musei Vaticani e alla Cappella Sistina. A seconda dell'esperienza che sceglierai, potrai anche usufruire di visite guidate o di un accesso ad aree speciali come le Stanze di Raffaello.
Sì, i cittadini dell'Unione europea di età compresa tra i 18 e i 25 anni possono usufruire di biglietti a prezzo ridotto con un documento d'identità valido. I cittadini UE e non UE di età inferiore ai 18 anni, così come il personale docente, possono usufruire dell'ingresso gratuito o ridotto ai Musei Vaticani.
I biglietti standard per i Musei Vaticani consentono l'accesso ai Musei Vaticani e alla Cappella Sistina. Per entrare nella Basilica di San Pietro, dovrai optare per biglietti combinati specifici.
La politica di cancellazione varia in base al tipo di biglietto. Alcuni biglietti offrono un rimborso completo in caso di cancellazione fino a 48-72 ore prima, mentre altri potrebbero non essere rimborsabili. Controlla le condizioni specifiche prima di prenotare.